Eighty Four: Friendships (Part 2)

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"Is there a sugar daddy in your life?", she heard Priya's incredulous question, "Because I might want one."

"Fuck no, Priya.", she replied, her eyes still closed as she calmed down. Just the image of Xavier in her mind undid her control, her heart beating a frantic tattoo.

"You buy Bata shoes, Krithika. Bata.", Priya clicked her tongue, "Forget about all the luxury Indian brands, you have a high-end Italian fashion product lying your room?"

She opened her eyes and stared at the footwear in question. Yes, that did look odd in her room.

Rashi cleared her throat, "Also, from my little knowledge of papers and their quality, that little bundle of the Arches on her study table probably costs half of my monthly house rent.", she shrugged.

Okay, that's enough.

"What is this? The game of 'can you spot ten things'?", Krithika scoffed, "I thought we were going to just bitch about life and sleep, isn't that what's supposed to mean by a Girls' Night."

"Bitch about life? Yes.", Priya unceremoniously fell over her bed and stared at the ceiling, "But you have to spill first."

Krithika thought about it. Would it be better to tell them about her relationship with Xavier, their great boss? How much of a fuss would they make? She debated in her mind, about all the possibilities of embarrassment or the kind of questions she would have to deal with and decided to keep her mouth shut.

"There's nothing to spill."

"How does it feel to lie to your friends all the time?", flexing her fingers Priya adored her freshly manicured French tips, "If you remember I visited you, in this exact room last year, and I can bet on all my savings that there wasn't that Archid thingy on your table, or you ever wanted them to be there."

"Arches Cold Pressed- that's one of the finest papers for watercolor paintings.", Rashi attempted to correct her.

"Whatever. My point is being penny-pinching, these all don't fit into the nature of our dear Krithika.", Priya tapped her fingers in a sinister way, trying to look like a detective, "Unless she's receiving these as gifts. So, spill."

"I am not sharing the details of the things which I shouldn't."

"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?", Priya snapped, "Are you some sort of secret escort? What kind of NDA have you signed to fuck a millionaire?"

"Now, you are calling names.", Krithika snarled and pushed her aside to sit on her bed. She felt agitated, it was insulting to be called a private fuck-toy, especially when she wasn't getting any. Virginity was becoming her identity, yet her friends thought she was sleeping around.

Oh, fuck Xavier for all of his gentlemanly attitude.

Yes, she had practically thrown herself on him, not once but multiple times. Her brazen side had blatantly tried to seduce him, to do something past just giving her delicious kisses- no offense as she had enjoyed that sinful mouth of his. Rather, he had admonished her, had told her that he wanted her to trust him before anything. What had sex got to do with trust? Forget sex, he hadn't even properly touched her.

It frustrated her. He was being too good to be true. And that used to make her mind spiral with various thoughts, specifically those that included his gorgeous ex-wife- Subhadra.

He had opened up about his divorce to her and showed some of his vulnerable side. It had broken her heart to see him crying. He had recited everything, from the start of their love story to the downfall of their marriage. For her, it was nothing but a tragedy.

Xavier was extremely bitter about it. He claimed that he never hated Subhadra, even after these many years, but she could see past his plain mask. Unfortunately, her heart went out to Subhadra as well, she empathized with her. She had never loved anyone, but she could understand how hard it would have been for Subhadra to watch her only love lose himself, how hard it would have been to see Xavier turning into something that he wasn't meant to be, into a stranger.

They both had loved each other to the point that they broke themselves for each other, what a fucking great love story.

And then, that had caused a doubt to creep into her mind. Was Xavier ever going to heal himself from such a painful heartbreak? Was he ever going to forget Subhadra? Would he ever be able to love her? Was that the reason for him to avoid touching her like a plague? All those questions had made her feel uncomfortable.

"I thought your collection of books had some spicy romance as well. Wasn't the plotline of Fifty Shades like that?", Priya flipped herself on the bed, turning to face Krithika, "Something inspired you to be like Anastasia?"

Rashi giggled covering her mouth, "I imagined her being tied to a bedpost and--"

"Shut up!", Krithika felt heat creeping up her skin, as she also had started imagining Xavier tying her up and murmuring the dirtiest things while he took her hard. Well, that was something she could only dream about.

"Krithika, jokes apart, I am truly concerned.", Priya's hand covered hers, "Is there something we should be aware of? Are you being forced to do something against your will?", her eyes were soft and Krithika felt like a jerk to hide things from her.

But she could reveal a little part of the information about her secret boyfriend, that would soothe her guilt-ridden mind.

"I am dating someone.", she rushed, "Don't ask me anything else, please."

Priya and Rashi screamed at the same moment, "What!?"



Secret Boyfriend, ahm... Ragasiya Snehithane... Got the reference?

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