1-Compare yourself with your old self, not with others

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      (Your favorite bodybuilder gets a puncture)
One of the first mistakes we make is to compare ourselves with someone who has been in the gym for 4 years, your friend who started before you and was the one who took you for the first time, your friend who has a bigger ass than you and she makes it known on his Instagram story, or worse still with Arnorld Schwarzennegger or any other bodybuilder who, upon reaching his natural limit, took chemicals (steroids, anabolics, among others) to be as you see him.
Now what is the remedy? Stop comparing yourself? No, it's very difficult, the day you stop sharing, call me and tell me how you did it, I'm interested. Instead of replacing the damn habit of comparing yourself, of comparing yourself with others, with the external, compare yourself with your old self. With that one or that one that didn't get up so early on an empty stomach to go lift weights to the gym. With that or that one who does not take care of their diet, their habits, their body, their mind, who does not fight to achieve their goals, their dreams.
Tell you more? Compare yourself to your self from Yesterday. Yes, focus on living today, because today is the only thing that exists. Focus on making today a winning day, because yesterday is already gone and tomorrow has not arrived yet, you will be in charge of making tomorrow a winning day too.

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