Chapter. 2 Magic & Snakes

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In which Evelynn and Harry accidently free an andacanda'

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In which Evelynn and Harry accidently free an andacanda'

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It was a very sunny Sunday, afternoon. And Evelynn had to sheild her eyes as Uncle Vernon grabbed Harry and Evelynn and thrust them out the car.

As they made there way inside The Dursleys bought Dudley and Piers large Chocalate ice creams, and then the smiling lady in the van asked the Potter twins what they would like.

So they bought two cheap lemon ice pops.

Evelynn smiled to herself as she dropped the popsicle stick into the trash licking her fingers she turned to her brother.

"That wasn't half bad"

"Considering the meals they give us its great"

Evelynn smiled before pointing at the Gorilla sitting in its cage as Dudley and Piers pressed their ugly faces agaist it.

"That Gorilla looks like Dudley only not blonde and way skinnier"

Harry cracked a smile as Evelynn laughed loudly. she always thought her jokes were the best even if she couldn't impress Harry.

They went into a small Zoo resteraunt. As they ordered Evelynn and Harry got the smallest amount of food possible.

As Dudley and Piers stuffed their faced with Cheesburgers, Chicken Tenders, and Fries.

If that wasn't as worse Dudley got the KnickBocker Glory. A large pile of ice cream, topped with chocalate syrup. He complained it didn't have enough Ice cream.

So Harry and Evelynn got to share it.

After Lunch, they made their way to the Reptile House. It was cool and dark in their and seemed to give Evelynn chills.

There was lit windows lined all along the walls. Behind, the glass dozens of lizards and snakes were sorted into cages.

Dudley made his way over to the largest snake in the reptile place. Pressing his fat face agaist the window.

Much to his dismay it was asleep.

"Make it move" he whined to his father, Uncle Vernon turned and tapped the window with his finger, not at all interested.

"Do it again" Dudley ordered. Uncle Vernon rapped his knuckles agaist the glass the snake however didn't budge.

"This is boring" Dudley groaned, shuffiling away.

"Poor thing, I know have you feel little mate" Evelynn said to the snake. Harry shuffled beside his sister as they both starred at the snake.

The Snake opened its beady eyes. Slowly, but surely it made its way to Harry and Evelynns height.

It blinked. Evelynn looked around to see if anyone had noticed.

Evelynn simply winked back smiling slightly. She knew the snake just closed one eye. But she couldn't help but smile.

The snake jerked its head to Uncle Vernon and Dudley and gazed its height at the ceiling.

It gave a look that said 'I get it all the time'

"I know" Harry murmered through the glass, Evelynn glanced at her brother he was being funny, playing with the snake she supposed.

Playing along with Harry she added,

"Must get boring"

The snake nodded. Harry didn't seemed suprised while Evelynn was sure her jaw had hit the floor.

The snake had just nodded! But Harry contiuned talking completly ingnoring his twin.

"Where did you come from anyway?" Evelynn shook her head at her brother who was still currently talking to the snake.

The snake jabbed its tail in the diretion of a sign near the glass. Was she going crazy? She rubbed her blue eyes.

Boa Constrictor, Brazil

"Must be nice their huh?" Evelynn muttered.

The Boa contrictor jabbed its tail at the sign again Harry and Evelynn both read.

This Speciemen was born in the zoo:

"Oh, I see you've never been to Brazil" Said Harry stating the obvious.

Piers loud onoxious voice filled the room.


Dudley came waddaling over as fast as he could.

"Out of the way you!" He punched Harry in the ribs. Caught, by suprise. Harry Fell hard on the concrete floor.

"Don't hit my brother" Evelynn retorted shoving Peir ruffley which sent Dudley and Piers nearly toppoling over.

"You Prat" Pier spat punching her lightly in the shoulder and shoving her on top of her brother.

It didn't even hurt. Except Harrys elbow being Jabbed into her rib.

What came next shocked the twins in suprise.

On second Piers and Dudley were leaned agaist the glass, the next, they leaped back howling in shock.

Evelynn and Harry sat up and gasped; the glass from the Boa constricters tank had completely vanished. The big snake slithered onto the floor.

People in the reptile house began to scream and dash for the exit.

As it slitered past them she swore she heard

"Brazil, here I come, thankssssss, amigossssss"

The Keeper of the Reptile house was in shock.

"But the glass.." he kept saying. "Were did the glass go?"

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Once Piers and Dudley were wrapped in a tight blanket, Evelynn and Harry still squished in between the two in the car were driving while Dudley explianed how the snake had almost taken his leg. And how piers had nearly been squeezed to death while all the snake did was snap at their feet as it slithered by.

"You know, Evelynn and Harry were talking to the snake" Piers informed. Glarring at Harry and Evelynn as if it was their fault.

Maybe it was... Something felt off...

She had been having nightmares, recently horrid nightmares. Of a green flash striking something next to her. She had shared this with Harry who shared the same problem.

He guessed it was the car crash our parents had died in.

Uncle Vernon waited until Aunt Petunia had gathered Piers and Dudley saftely in the house before turning to the twins.

His face heating up in anger.He was so angry he could barely get the words out.

"Go-Bedroom-Stay-no meal"he managed to choke out as aunt Petunia rushed him in the couch to fetch him a beer.

Much later, Evelynn lained on her side of the blowup matress. Currently woken up from another nightmare. The Car crash. Her twin sleeping sleepily beside her.

She sighed resting her head agaist her brothers shoulder.

He stiffened, and turned over but didn't protest.

She thought about the terrible time at school tommorow were Dudley and Piers would tell his gang how it was our fault..

At school they had nobody, but each other. Everybody knew that Dudleys gang hated that odd Evelynn and Harry Potter in their baggy, old clothes,and Harry broken glasses.

And nobody disagreed with Dudleys Gang.

Words: 1108

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