Chapter. 14 Nicholas Flamel

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'In which they some what find Nicholas Flamel'

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'In which they some what find Nicholas Flamel'

It was finally Spring at Hogwarts and Evelynn had barely spoken to Harry.

Finally during lunch Evelynn got up from her seat at the Slytherin table she slowly walked over to where Ron, Harry, and Hermione were seated.

"Hey guys" she greeted sitting between Hermione and her brother. "Hey, Evy" he greeted hugging her with one arm.

Evelynn jumped as an owl quickly landed on the table.

"Hi, Hedwig" Harry said gently stoking his owls feathered head.

"So whatcha guys doing?" Evelynn asked seeking to start a conversation.

"Supposed to be studying" She said with a slight rage in her voice she turned to Ron.

"Look at you, playing with your cards. Pathetic! We've got final exams coming up soon!" Hermione scolded at Ron who simply strugged.

"Im ready. Ask me any question"

"Ive, got one, what are the three most crucial ingrediants in forgetfullness potion?" Evelynn asked Ron who mumbled something along the lines of

"I forgot"

"And what, may I ask, do you plan on doing if this comes up on the final exam?" Hermione added agrily setting her book down on the table.

"Copy off you?" Ron suggested and Evelynn silently laughed at the face Hermione made.

"No, you wont. Besides according to Proffesor Mcgonagall, we'd been given special quills bewitched with an anti-cheating spell" Hermione informed.

"Dang it" Evelynn silently cursed she had planned to cheat off Draco. He acted stupid but was actually right behind Hermione in class.

"Thats insulting! Its as if they dont trust us!" Ron agrily slams a card down on the table again his eyebrows scrunched up in frustration. "Dumbledoor again!"

Evelynn's head snapped in the direction of a loud banging noise and her head turned to see Neville hopping down the great hall she could tell his legs were stuck together from a curse as he fell forwards.

"Leg-Locker curse" Evelynn comfired getting up from the bench to help Neville stand.

"Malfoy" Harry practically spat. Evelynn glanced around surely, Draco, Crabbe, and Goyle had all gotten up from their seats.

Evelynn helped Neville jump over to the Gryffindor table she shoots a glare at every students laughing at Neville.

"You've got to start standing up to people Neville" Ron told him.

Neville starts wobbiling uncontrollibly "How? I can barely stand at all!"

Seamus jumped up front his seat giving Evelynn a small heart attack when had he come?

"I'll do the countercurse" He offered his wand in hand.

"No, thats all I need! For you to set my bloody kneecaps on fire" Neville groaned falling sideways.

Seamus angrily slammed his wand on the table "I don't appriciate the instuitution Longbottom. Besides if anyones cared to notice my eyebrows grew back!" he angrily turned away from the crowd.

"Sure looks like it" Evelynn whispered to Neville as she nodded at the patch of hair missing from the back of Seamus's head.

"I found him!" Harry suddenly called out causing everyones heads to turn in his direction. He hands a Ron a chocalate frog attached a card of Dumbledoor Evelynn carefully read over Rons shoulder.

Dumbledoor is particually famous for his famous defeat of the Dark "Wizard Grindelward in 1945-"

"Keep going" Harry edged on.

For his discovery of the uses of 12 uses of Dragon Blood, and his work on alchemy with his partner Nicholas Flamel

"I knew that name sounded familar I read it on the train that day" Harry whispered.

Hermione started beaming exitingly "Follow me!"

The trio runs out the great hall and Evelynn hesitently chases after them.

"Hey wait! Where are you going? What about my countercurse?" Neville yells after them.

Evelynn paused points her wand at Neville and whispers and countercurse Neville breaths a sigh of relief.

"Thanks Evelynn your a life saver!'

Y'all I am so, so sorry this is a short chapter the next one will be longer to make up for it!!

Thanks so much for reading


Words - 667

𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕗𝕠𝕣𝕘𝕠𝕥𝕥𝕖𝕟 𝕥𝕨𝕚𝕟 - Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now