{Part 4}

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As Ominis stands from the balcony, watching his best friend Sebastian, hold his wife-to-be, a sinister smirk curls his lips. Inside his mind, a dark and twisted monologue unfolds.

Ominis Gaunt, POV

I began striding down the staircase dramatically towards them both. I had known purely by the sound alone, the state of how things were going between my mother, Sebastian and Ophelia and that it could become hostile very fast. My mother would kill either of them in an instant, similar to how a viper would strike.

I needed to take control of the situation.

A mixture of anger and sadness bubbled inside of me. The sight of my former best friend arising these feelings in me.

I dismissed my mother from the room as my feet hit the floorboards of the formal hallway.

"Ah, dear friend." I said, circling around them both. I examined Sebastian, he was in a weakened state, the sound of his exhausted pants could be heard throughout the room. The smell of blood flowed off of him, indicating his struggle.

He sounded a lot different then when I remembered him. Taller, bigger and his voice deeper.
More protective. More dangerous. Slightly unhinged.

I didn't care, I loathed him.

"Ominis. What are we doing here. What is the fucking meaning of this." Sebastian yelled, nearly stumbling from his spot around Ophelia's shoulders.
"I thought we were friends." He followed, his voice full of sadness as his tone softened.

"Your naivety is almost charming, but it's nothing compared to my cunning." I smirked as I played a game of manipulation with them both.

I hadn't even looked in the direction of Ophelia yet, I was so caught up in my fury with Sebastian. So many unspoken words were between us.

"She was always meant to be mine, not yours. You're just a pawn in my grand design, and soon, I'll claim what's rightfully mine." I spoke in tongues, in riddles.

My dark urge had fully taken over.

My eyes gleaming with malice as I calculated my next move. I relished in the power I held over them both as they stood still in their tracks.

Isn't it amusing how easily people are manipulated? They think they're in control, but they're merely puppets dancing to a tune. My tune.

The sweet agony they'll endure when they realize the depths of my deception.

With a calculated step forward, I interrupt the touch between Sebastian and Ophelia, pulling her towards me from their tender moment, my voice dripping with honeyed venom.

"My dear, it's time to come home. Your destiny awaits, and it's intertwined with mine." I smirked, as I felt the curve of her hip.

She allowed herself to come towards me, clearly shocked following what she read from the ministry relating to our contract.

"Ominis. This isn't you. What happened to the boy I knew." She whispered sadly, her limp body following my movements as I pulled her away from Sebastian. Our eyes glanced deeply into the others.

Arranged {Ominis Gaunt x Sebastian Sallow x MC}Where stories live. Discover now