Chapters 1. Honeymoon Interrupted

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The sailboat slid quietly through the calm waters of the Caribbean, carrying just enough canvas to have steerage. It was midnight, and the small swells glistened, reflecting the moon and stars. Elysia and Andrew were beginning the second week of a private cruise, and so far, the weather had been perfect. They loved the nights, especially when the breezes were mild.

Elysia, dark haired, blue-eyed, tall, and slender, lay on the deck, while her new husband, Andrew, stood at the rail and looked at the sea. Fresh from making love under the night sky, they were both naked. Elysia admired the toned athletic body of her husband, white under the lights from above.

They were the only two passengers on this luxury sailboat, which was manned by a crew of three. When Andrew booked the two-week island cruise, he was guaranteed that the crew was trained not to see what the passengers did during their private moments. With this assurance he and Elysia made love to each other all over the boat, and when not doing that, they sometimes sunbathed on the deck. Even when a crewman brought drinks to the couple, they had the feeling that the man saw nothing.

They married just before starting the cruise. Elysia, 22, was a first-year associate with a Chicago law firm, and Andrew, 35, was a client of the firm. He had just retired from a 20-year career as a professional tennis player and was rich from prize money and endorsements. She was assisting on a legal dispute relating to a product endorsement contract with a major manufacturer of tennis rackets. A few weeks into the case, she and one of the firm's partners lunched with Andrew, and he immediately asked her out on a date. The firm permitted them to date on the condition that she be taken off his case. Since she was playing only a minor role, she had no problem being reassigned. Three months later they were married.

Andrew looked at his bride lying on the deck cushions that served as the bed on which they played out their passion. He could not believe a woman of such beauty was his wife. Yes, he was rich, and he was handsome and had bedded many beautiful women, but none of them came close to matching his wife. He looked at her bare figure, and to him it seemed to glow with a light of its own. He asked himself, for the thousandth time, how was it possible that she had accepted him?

Elysia saw him looking at her and beckoned for him to return. He joined her, lay beside her, took her in his arms, and they kissed. Even if they wanted to, the crew could not hear what they whispered to one another, the delicate exchange of words that only lovers share. Their soft voices murmured and flowed with the rhythm of the sounds made by the sea and the sails. He stroked her breasts and kissed her neck, focusing only on giving her pleasure. His body stirred with desire, and he imagined the tender merging of their bodies as the boat glided through the night.

Suddenly, the boat and the sea were lit up by a bright light that pierced the darkness, searching for and illuminating the sailboat, as well as the lovers. The couple sat up and shielded their faces from a light so powerful that it brought pain to their eyes. Fear froze them in place, as they heard shouts, and saw people climbing over the railing and onto the deck. The intruders were silhouetted in the intense light and seemed to be phantoms climbing from a pit.

Five people climbed aboard, all with sidearms and wearing masks. Two rushed to the helm, and two down into the crew quarters. The helmsman was quickly subdued, and in a few minutes the two remaining crew members were herded onto the deck. The entire process was swift and efficient. While the crew was being rounded up, one person came over to Elysia and Andrew.

"Put on your robes, please." It was a woman's voice, and surprisingly gentle.

They did as they were told, and the two stood up, Andrew solid and stoic, and Elysia leaning against him, shaking.

"I am taking you to your cabin. Please follow me," said the woman, who, like the others was masked, all in black, and armed.

She led them to the guest cabin area, without hesitation, as if she knew the boat well. Once at the cabin door she indicated that they should enter, and they did. Elysia and Andrew, their honeymoon turned to horror, were now at the mercy of a woman who seemed calm and unhurried, but whose intentions were unknown.

Then the woman said, "Do not worry, neither of you will be harmed." Then she shut and locked the door from the outside.

In the cabin, Elysia and Andrew clung to each other, their minds awash in fear and confusion.

Elysia looked at Andrew. "What's this?" she cried. "What do they want, and what are they going to do to us?"

Andrew tried to calm her, "She said we will not be harmed. If they wanted to get rid of us, they could have just tossed us overboard. We can only pray that they're not murderers, and just want the boat. They are masked and we can't identify them; so maybe they'll just drop us off someplace."

Elysia appreciated him trying to calm her, but her mind was still overwhelmed by fear. She lay down, and Andrew lay down as well, holding her tightly to him. Shortly they felt a change in the movement of the boat. Having been on her for a week, they could tell that more sail had been added and they were moving fast in the water. "To where?" they wondered.

Once the boat was underway, and from the sound of it, moving swiftly, the door was unlocked and opened. The woman, still wearing a mask and sidearm, entered.

She spoke kindly, but firmly, "I want to apologize for intruding on your voyage like this. The helmsman says you are on a honeymoon cruise. You will not be harmed by us. We need a few days to reach our destination, and when we get there, you will be set free, with your belongings. We are pirates, yes, but we only want the boat. We are not murderers. Soon you will be allowed on deck to enjoy as much comfort as this boat will offer, under the circumstances. If you need anything, press the button for the crew."

The woman then left the cabin, and the door was once again locked. A number of hours passed, and then the movement of the sailboat changed again, and they appeared to have stopped. This was confirmed by the sound of the anchor being lowered. Andrew looked out of the small porthole and saw that it was light. He also saw that they were becalmed in a small bay. An hour later, the door opened and Peter, one of the original crew members, who also served as cook, brought in their normal breakfast trays, containing toast, fruit, yogurt, and coffee.

"What's going on, Peter?" asked Andrew. The man shook his head, said nothing, and left. They heard the door lock.

They ate a little, then lay down next to each other, waiting for what would happen next.

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