Chapter 16: A Different Kind of Man

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The six-passenger plane landed at 1 a.m. at the little airfield on the heights above Siren Cove. The darkest part of the night was the normal arrival time for flights to and from the little country, owing to the need to keep the existence of the island secret. The airfield would see between fifteen and twenty flights this night. The lights on the strip were turned on for only ten minutes or so each time a plane approached, also helping to keep it hidden.

The plane was full and included Elysia Palmara, Connor Bechner, a male and a female doctor, and two sirens. The pilot and co-pilot were both non-siren women, which was policy for these planes. Sirens frequently flew on and off the island, and male pilots could be distracted by them, even when the sirens were not intentionally setting their lures. Siren women did not work as pilots, because the presence of male passengers could easily make them forget they were trying to fly the plane.

As it was, before the plane landed, the male doctor was practically enthralled by the two young sirens seated in the row behind him. Elysia was pretty sure the male doctor would be visiting the beds of one or both of these women, which was not unusual. The female doctor was not particularly disturbed by the sirens' antics. This was just the way life was on the island. It made it difficult for a woman on the island to keep a husband at home, but only in rare cases did it create serious problems. Non-siren women who chose to come to the island generally knew what they were getting into and accepted the situation as part of the cost of living in such a beautiful place.

The two sirens also tried laying their snares for Connor during the hour-long flight and were shocked to see no reaction at all. When the flight ended and they were chatting with Elysia, they were fascinated to learn he was immune to their charms. They still had fun teasing Connor, and he did not seem to mind the attention. Elysia did not know the two, who were young and pretty, but they were sweet, and she liked them.

Deciding to have a little fun herself, she said in a semi-serious tone to the women, "You know, ladies, this is my boyfriend you're trying to seduce." This shut them up. They recognized Elysia as the woman who might someday be the Mistress of the island and showed respectful faces. Then Elysia laughed and kissed them both, saying, "My song doesn't work on him either, maybe yours will." Relieved, the women both launched into songs that further enticed the doctor but fell on Connor's deaf ears. Through all this, Connor fully enjoyed himself and decided that he was going to like this place.

Elysia loved the nighttime feel of the heavy tropical breezes and the night sounds of the trees and plants that bordered the landing strip. Elysia and Connor had small bags with them and rolled them over to a coffee and tea stand, which operated at night while the flights were coming and going. The shop was run by an older siren, whom Elysia knew to be Kira. Elysia had been off the island for over a month, and Kira was a good source for gossip. The shuttle to the Cove was twenty minutes away, and the couple sipped coffee while Elysia and Kira chatted.

"They say a hurricane is coming, ma'am," said Kira. "I hope this old shack doesn't blow away."

"Kira, you know this is not like the old one. The old one was just plywood, and any old breeze could knock it down. We rebuilt this with concrete and steel, like everything else here. Just make sure the storm shutters are down and you'll be OK. Anyway, what's my husband been up to while I was gone?"

"Yes, ma'am, he is organizing a tennis tournament. Better than last year, he says. He makes the women work hard when he teaches but, of course, they make him work hard for them as well... uh, sorry, ma'am."

Elysia laughed, "Don't be sorry, I know what he gets up to with his students. I'll make him work, too, now that I'm back." Then she glanced over at Connor, who smiled nervously.

Connor had never been to the Caribbean and had spent the last seven years in a lab in Switzerland. For him, this was a completely new experience, which was on top of Elysia's revelations of who she was and what her life was like on the island. He understood that Elysia was a powerful siren and deputy to the Mistress of this island, but he had only seen the results of her power, such as the enthrallment of his former top scientists. He was both fascinated and nervous about seeing her use her powers on another man.

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