Chapter 14: A Bitter Old Man

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"It's nice here, isn't it?" Elysia asked. She was lying in bed next to Antoinette, gently stroking her hair.

"Yes, my love, very nice. I love this city, and it is good not having anything to do, at least not right this minute." Antoinette turned to kiss Elysia, then snuggled into her shoulder and closed her eyes. She enjoyed being with her immensely. So different from men, who were exciting but exhausting, while with Elysia it was warm and fulfilling. She and Elysia talked openly about the love they wanted from each other. Antoinette wanted to take the place of a man in Elysia's life, and sometimes it almost felt like she did, but always there seemed some place in her friend's heart that she could not reach. For Antoinette, Elysia's love was all that she needed.

They had released the five scientists, who were ordered to forget all about the sirens. They would be able to go back to their wives and girlfriends with clear consciences. The women could call them back at a moment's notice if needed, but they did not think this would be necessary. The other three sirens had been sent home.

The work on Connor's matter was in the hands of the Palace, for now. Antoinette could have gone home, but she wanted to stay, in case she was needed, and Elysia wanted her company. They had given Connor a secure phone in case they needed to talk. Miriam was in the lab now, with a little office space outside his door. She ran errands for him that sent her to all parts of the lab. Sometimes the errands were concocted for the sole purpose of getting her out and about. Her job was to find the mole, if she could, by sensing feelings of betrayal, guilt, or fear. Miriam was using the same skills that the Mistress had taught Elysia.

After a week, the Palace came up empty on clues about who was funding the project, and who was holding Connor's sister. The Mistress had been called in to help, and the information they had in their hands did spark a feeling of bad energy, but she could not attach that energy to anything specific or to any specific location.

Elysia met with Connor for dinner a few times, to keep up the appearance of being his girlfriend. In a cozy restaurant, Elysia said, "I wish we had news for you, Connor," said Elysia, "but I do have the feeling that something is going to break soon. Perhaps they will contact you, and that will help us turn something up."

"I appreciate the effort. It's been two years, but it seems my sister is still alive and well, so..." Then he looked off into the distance, trying to gather his thoughts. The sadness and powerlessness she felt in him made her want to cry. "I told you I talked to her, right? Three weeks ago. She sounded happy to talk to me, and said she hoped I would finish the project soon, so she could come home. I just worry, will they even let her come home? Will they be afraid she would lead the police back to the kidnappers?"

Elysia took his hand and squeezed it. "I don't know. Honestly, I don't know."

Outside the restaurant, they walked down the lighted street. She took his arm and walked close to him, like a lover, although there was no need to pretend. She wanted to be close to him. They stopped for a second, not speaking, and then he took her in his arms and kissed her. It was like their first kiss, at the lab door, but this was real. She felt his emotions, sad and lonely, and a yearning to reach out to her. Her body and emotions responded in a way she had never responded to a man's kiss. Then they stood there, her head on his chest.

"Sorry," he said, "I didn't mean to do that... it just... I needed you suddenly."

"I know, I can feel it. I want to be here for you, Connor." Then Elysia kissed him and held him tight.

They resumed walking until they reached his car. As he drove her back to the hotel, she thought about the feelings that were arising in her, so new and different, and she felt that perhaps she was betraying Antoinette. It was not because she had kissed him, and even if she slept with him, it would not be a betrayal. She and Antoinette had lain with many men since starting to live together, because that was their nature. Either as part of their work or just for the joy of the hunt, capturing and bedding men was what they did.

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