Chapter 10: Seduction in London

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Three days later, Elysia and Antoinette were standing ready to board a plane in Bermuda, which would take them to London. The Palace lawyers had arranged the proper visas, which indicated that the two would be in that city for no more than three months. The Mistress thought it would require only two months to do this assignment. Before they left the island the night before, at 8 pm, they had spent a busy two days being expertly groomed and clothed to play the part of two wealthy women from America.

Both had stood for hours in the wardrobe room of the Palace being fitted for a closet full of designer gowns, expensive shoes, undergarments, and sleepwear. A small fortune in jewelry would accompany them. They would travel first class, with much of their luggage coming on another plane. They had a two-bedroom suite at Claridge's for the duration of their stay.

They touched down at Heathrow, trying to maintain a low profile by shielding their natural allure behind the look of two well-dressed travelers. They hopped into a cab, while eyeing the lowering skies, which promised to ruin their hair and expensive clothes.

"Claridge's, please," Elysia said quietly to the driver, trying to hide her Chicago accent.

To Elysia, the grandeur of Claridge's was breathtaking, and would be a fitting backdrop for two women of means. They each had a room which spoke of luxury obtained at a price. They spent the next two days acclimating to a new time zone, and to London itself. Both had been there before, but neither with quite so much money to spend.

On the evening of the third day, Elysia appeared, unescorted, with an invitation, at a charity benefit hosted at the Ritz. Antoinette remained at the hotel. Elysia was not interested in the charity and was apparently only there to be seen, like many of the fashionable women there. Her target was Bill Tandry, a handsome CEO of a tech startup, known for his brilliance, but not his charm. He was there with his wife.

With ticket in hand and allure turned on, she made a grand entrance. The room buzzed with the elite of London, but Elysia's eyes went immediately to Tandry, standing with a drink next to his wife. She waited until the wife walked off to chat with a friend. Navigating through the sea of guests, Elysia neared him and leaned in close. The hum of her siren song, soft yet compelling, filled his ears, and like a moth to a flame, Tandry was drawn to her, and the rest of the room faded. As she smiled at him, she suddenly seemed the most beautiful woman in the room.

"Hello, I'm Bill Tandry," he said with a smile, while his usual guarded demeanor melted away by her charm.

"It's stuffy in here, don't you think?" Elysia's voice was warm with invitation. She lightly took his hand and led him through the crowd to the open doors to the dimly lit terrace. She continued humming as she walked, and Tandry walked closer to her, eager to be with her.

Outside, without a word, Elysia moved close to him, lightly kissed his lips, and looked into his eyes. She sensed in him a strong response to her and knew that he would come to her if she asked.

"Please come to me, tomorrow night at seven, will you?" Then she gave him her name, hotel, and room number.

"Yes, I will come," he said with excitement in his eyes.

"But for now, you must return to your wife. And remember, my name must remain our little secret."

Then she left Tandry standing there, dazed, and disappeared into the crowd. As soon as she was well hidden by people, she left the hotel.

The next evening, as Tandry stepped into her room at exactly seven, Elysia was anxious. She had done a seduction and entrapment before, with Antoinette, but now she was alone with this man, and the stakes were high. Dinner was quiet, and she had fun laughing and flirting with the handsome man. After eating, they had drinks sitting on a sofa, and she sat close to him, her hand resting lightly on his knee. They kissed, and she allowed him to touch her. As his hands caressed her body, she felt his urgency to make love to her but wanted to wait until his need for her had peaked. When she thought he was ready, she led him to the bedroom, and they lay together. Afterward she said, "You are mine now."

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