Chapter 2: The Night Voyage

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During the day, Elysia and Andrew held each other, slept, ate, showered, and did all of the normal things, but were not permitted on deck. The boat lay the entire day in the little bay, and the only movement was its gentle rocking on the swells that entered the bay and washed up onto the beach. Time seemed to stretch as they remained captive in the airless cabin.

They could hear activities going on in the boat periodically, and the lapping of the bay waters against the hull. But the silence inside their cabin was interrupted only by their whispered fears and speculations as to what would happen when they left the boat. They wondered about where they would be, and how they would get home. The words the woman spoke to them offered some comfort, but they did not trust her, and dark thoughts continually intruded into their talk.

Peter brought in their normal lunch, and the door was again locked behind him. They both ate a little in silence. Then they dozed, Elysia clinging to Andrew, making a silent plea for reassurance and protection. An hour later, the door opened, and the masked woman stood there.

She looked at Andrew and said, "Come with me."

The woman's gaze was steady and commanding as she motioned for Andrew to come forward. He continued to sit next to Elysia, giving off an air of refusing to move unless he received further explanation from the woman. He thought he could overpower her, if necessary, but he knew that armed men probably stood in the hallway, waiting for a word from her. Ultimately, they were powerless. He wanted some assurance, however, if for no other reason than to calm Elysia's fears.

"What about Elysia?"

"Elysia will stay here. Do not worry, neither of you will be harmed. I just need you to come with me. There is a task you must perform that will take an hour or so."

Elysia and Andrew looked at each other. Elysia was scared. "I don't want you to go, Andrew."

"I can't go," he said to the woman. "Look how frightened she is."

The woman walked over, sat next to Elysia, and put an arm around her shoulder. "Don't worry Elysia, I just need Andrew for a small task. He will not be harmed, and neither will you. You have my promise that I will bring him back safe to you. The last thing any of us want to do is hurt you."

Elysia looked into her eyes, and despite the mask, saw that the woman was either sincere or a wonderful actor. Then she sadly nodded. She believed he would not be harmed but was certain something was going to happen to him. With a heavy heart and a lingering kiss Andrew followed the woman, leaving Elysia behind, her eyes wide with fear and confusion.

Andrew was led into another cabin, and the woman shut the door. Inside the cabin, the air was thick with apprehension, and then the woman began humming a little tune. Andrew listened to the sound as the woman removed her mask, and he saw she was beautiful, with dark hair, crystal blue eyes, and sensuous lips. Still humming, she began removing her clothes. The sound was pleasant and soothing, as he watched the woman fully disrobe, unveiling a sleek body. Then she lay back on the bed, her tanned body beautifully displayed to him against a snow-white sheet.

"Andrew, my name is Antoinette, and you will now pleasure me."

This demand, which would have been incredible a short time ago, seemed quite natural, and almost expected. It was as if he had been waiting for permission from her. Still, he did not want to do it. He thought of Elysia and how making love to this woman would wound her. Without willing it, however, he began to undress. Then, what began as reluctant acquiescence slowly turned into desire, and then an eagerness to please this woman before him. He spent the next hour giving her as much pleasure as he knew how, and her body responded to him with quivering delight. Once she was satiated, she told him to use her body for his own pleasure, but to do it quickly. He gladly took her and satisfied his own need, like a man who had never before known a woman.

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