Chapter 3: Siren Cove

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Standing on solid ground was a relief from the motion of the sea for Elysia and Andrew but carried with it a sense of foreboding. The walk down the pier to an unknown destination took place in tense silence. It was night, and from the pier, they could see the lights of a large, imposing building. There were few people on the waterfront, and nobody to greet them, except two men standing at the base of the pier.

Antoinette, now without a mask, led them, and on coming up to the two men, she turned to Elysia and Andrew. "I am once again very sorry, but I have my instructions. What I told you was a lie; you will not be going home. I was ordered to bring you both to this island, without doing you any harm, and without frightening you any more than was necessary. We had no interest in the sailboat, we only wanted you two. It appears that you are important to the Mistress, but I do not know why."

Elysia and Andrew listened, stunned.

"This is a secret island," Antoinette continued, "and we had to pretend we were pirates, only interested in the boat, in case we were captured. We could not risk the authorities thinking that we were kidnapping you with the purpose of bringing you here. This would risk exposing this island, which we cannot allow to happen."

"What is this place," asked Andrew. "What is it called? Does it have an airport?"

"The island has no name on any map, but we call the place where we are standing, Siren Cove. And yes, it does have an airport, but you cannot leave just yet."

Then she said, "Andrew, you must go with these two men. Elysia and I will be heading to the palace," pointing to the many-lighted building. "I am to tell you that you two will see each other again, perhaps in a day or two, and not to be concerned. Neither of you will come to any harm while on this island. As I said, you are both important to the Mistress. I could not tell you this before because it would have risked exposure of our island."

Elysia did not listen to Antoinette's assurances, because her order to take Andrew away from her struck Elysia like a physical blow. Her reaction was visceral, and her tears were proof of the profound bond that she and Andrew shared. Her legs gave way beneath her, and she fell to her knees.

"Why do you take Andrew away? You were told not to harm us!" she screamed at Antoinette. She could not cry. She was too angry and afraid. She struck her captor with her fists in her sudden rage.

Antoinette stepped back from Elysia's fists and recriminations. "I swear, you will not be harmed, neither of you! My Mistress says this, and she does not lie," she pleaded.

"You lie! You harm us now! You separate me from the man I love! Have you no pity? Don't take him away from me. I can't bear it!"

Antoinette saw the despair of the woman, pitied her, and wanted to take back the order for separation, but she had her instructions. They were clear, precise, and she could not disobey.

Andrew's instinct was to comfort and protect, and he knelt beside Elysia, saying, "Please Elysia, don't cry, and don't worry. Antoinette is a good woman, and I trust her. We'll see each other soon. If this Mistress says we must separate, then there must be a good reason."

Elysia looked at him fiercely, "You trust her? You trust her because she's your lover! Is this how you get rid of me to go with her?" Elysia did not know she was going to say this until she said it and was appalled that she did. Through her tears, however, she saw the sudden look of guilt on the faces of Andrew and Antoinette and knew then that what she said was true. This made her more hurt and angrier than ever.

She stood up then, and with all the fury she felt building up since their boat was boarded, she spat at Antoinette, and said, "You want him? Take him! Take this lying husband of mine and may you never know a day of peace till you die!" Then she took off walking toward the palace.

"Take him!" said Antoinette hurriedly to the two men and ran to catch up to Elysia.

As he was being led away Andrew called, "I will see you soon, my love. Elysia, I will see you soon. I love you."

Andrew's expression of hope, and vow to reunite, hung in the air, perhaps unheard as Elysia disappeared into the darkness on her way to the palace. She wept bitterly as she walked, feeling that now she was truly alone. Andrew, despite the pain in his heart for betraying Elysia, and his feeling of powerlessness, still held on to the hope that these people would not harm them. He felt that he knew Antoinette, and he believed that she was a good person.

The path that Andrew walked, accompanied by the two men, led through a small sleeping town. After half a mile or so they came to a modern-looking building, surrounded by a garden of neatly kept tropical plants. Inside, he was led to a third-floor room that was small, but comfortable looking, with a good bed, a desk, a large screen television, and a sitting area. The two men told him this was to be his room. They also told him he was not permitted to leave the building.

This living space was a far cry from what he was used to. As a world-famous tennis player, he had a beautiful home, and was the idol of millions of fans. While the room was not a hovel, he did not want to have to spend much time here. He missed his hard-earned luxuries, and he missed Elysia.

He was told breakfast was at six. He asked them how long he was supposed to be there, but they could not answer. They did not know who he was, why he was here, or how they should treat him. So, they treated him with an indifference that he feared would be his future.

Andrew was left to grapple with his betrayal and separation from Elysia. The promise he had made to Elysia, born of desperation, became a beacon, a focal point for the future. He felt in his heart that all would be well. He clung to the resolve formed at their parting: to find Elysia and reunite with her, to beg her forgiveness, to reclaim their freedom, and to restore the future that had been so inexplicably taken from them.

A few hours later, as he sat brooding about what to do next, Antoinette appeared at his door. She walked into the room, carrying a bottle of wine, and shut the door behind her. In minutes the two of them were naked, locked in an embrace, on top of the bed, with no time limit on their lovemaking. With the arrival of Antoinette, Andrew forgot all about Elysia.

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