Chapter 11: Palace Lawyer

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Three days later, Elysia and Antoinette were back on the island. They met with the Mistress, who was all praise for what they had accomplished and ordered them both to rest for a week before they were given new tasks. In this meeting, she told Antoinette that Elysia was her daughter. Shock, giving way to a smile, played on Antoinette's face when she learned that Elysia might one day be the Mistress of the island. That day had not yet come, and likely would not for a long time, so for now, Elysia would remain her friend and sometime lover.

Because of her growing importance to the Palace and to Elysia in particular, Antoinette was to be moved to a room in the Palace and would be assigned work there as well. This would be her Palace job, for when she was not out in the "field," preventing some man from doing something violent or destructive. Immediately, they both requested that they share the same room.

"Is it OK if Antoinette and I share the same bed?" asked Elysia. "I know that many sirens do this. I get so lonely sleeping alone, and so does Antoinette." Her friend nodded in agreement.

"Of course, daughter," said her mother. "As you say, many do, because it is so difficult to have a long-term relationship with a man on this island."

They were assigned a larger room than Elysia had previously occupied. Coming back from living at Claridge's for two months, they had both grown accustomed to luxurious surroundings, and the new room certainly lived up to that description, right down to the marble bathroom.

They inaugurated their first night in this room by inviting Andrew to join them. He was no stranger to making love with two sirens at once and left their room exhausted but completely satisfied with life. He walked back to his own room at nearly one in the morning, whistling happily the entire way.

After their week of holiday was up, Elysia was assigned to work in the Palace legal office. The legal office had 20 lawyers, both men and women. Only two of the lawyers, including Elysia, were sirens. Six were men, none of whom were born on the island; seven were women born off the island; and five were born on the island with no siren ability. The general counsel was a woman named Estella, who was island-born without the siren gift. Estella was married to another island-born woman with no power, Marina, who managed personnel for the Palace.

Elysia's main job was U.S. immigration. Island folk often traveled stateside, and her office handled all the related paperwork. The trickiest part of the job stemmed from the fact that the island did not officially exist, so there could be no direct intergovernmental relations, no passports, no visas, or anything else of an official nature. They solved this problem with an arrangement with another island country that accepted the islanders as its citizens. They paid a hefty price for this accommodation, but it was the only way to move around in the world while keeping the island off the maps.

Her caseload was light, and as she entered her fourth month of pregnancy, she was glad of it. She was over the morning sickness and other ills of the first few months, but now she tired easily. Antoinette was a godsend, always willing to rub her back or feet, or apply oil to her belly and breasts and massage it in as her skin stretched. She also loved to cradle her friend in her arms as they slept together.

Sometimes they went further than merely holding each other in bed, and there was tender kissing, touching, and even gentle sex. It was nice when it happened. Many sirens enjoyed laying with each other, as well as with men. Even though they enjoyed each other, Elysia and Antoinette preferred men for real satisfaction and did not hesitate to call Andrew or some other man for that. When they did lay with a man, they almost always sent him away after it was over. They preferred each other's loving warmth when they wished to sleep. They found security in holding each other that they could not find in a man.

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