Chapter 20. Peru

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Antoinette took off from the airstrip at 8 p.m., and Elysia went to her mother's office. They spent the next two hours focusing on the live image of the cultist headquarters, the town at the base of the mountain, and anything that moved on the road. They were hoping for more energy signs that were useful, but there was nothing. What they did find, however, was a small military base outside the town. This was something that might be useful. They also met with Mallory to select more team members to be sent after they had gotten information through Antoinette.

It was a long flight, with a stop to refuel, and Antoinette landed at noon the next day at the little strip just outside of the town. They found waiting for them a car to take them to a little hotel they would use as headquarters. The Palace had rented every room in the hotel, to accommodate the entire team they would be sending. Antoinette and Janice shared a room. They did not expect anything to happen until the next day, so they walked around the town, ate at a small restaurant, and sat in their room, watching the people in the street.

The next day, at 10 a.m., they sat at a sidewalk café, with a good view of the post office. The man from the cultist building ordinarily showed up there between 10 a.m. and noon. The satellite was able to provide a good picture of his truck, and an OK picture of his face. At 11:15, he pulled up at the curb. Antoinette waited as he visited the post office. When he came out, she approached him, singing, and whispered in his ear, "Come with me."

She led him to her room, opened the door, took his hand, and led him to her bed. Janice followed, keeping an eye out, and shut the door behind them. They did not want to delay the man long, so Antoinette immediately undressed and told him to do the same. He was not naturally good-looking, but as the power awoke in her, he began to seem as handsome as any man she knew. Their joining was intense, as it had to be to create a bond. To him, this was pleasure beyond anything in his experience, with a woman of incredible beauty. Unfortunately, it was soon over, and Antoinette spoke the words of binding.

Now under her control, she said, "I'm Annie, what is your name?"

"Adam Wickham."

"Well, Adam, we don't have much time, and I need information." She took out a photo of Connor and showed it to Adam. "Have you seen this man in your building?"

"Oh, yes, Annie. He is in a room on the third floor, where all the doctors and such work. They keep the door locked."

"How did you see him?"

"They made me go in two days ago to ask what he needed from the town. He told me he needed some clothes and something to read, so I got those things for him."

"Did they say what he was doing there?"

"No, Annie, they didn't say anything about that, just to get him anything he wanted."

"OK, you need to go now. You will not tell anyone about me, and you will come to this room tomorrow at 11 a.m., do you understand? Repeat my instructions."

He said he understood and then repeated her instructions. He came as ordered the following three days until he was securely under her control. When he came on these days, they spent longer in bed. It was not necessary for the binding, but Antoinette and Janice had little to do, so the additional pleasure he provided to Antoinette, and then to Janice, was worth it.

They learned that he did odd jobs around the building, including driving down the mountain once a day to collect mail and buy minor supplies. On Antoinette's orders, he asked if he could see Connor again to find out if he needed anything. Connor seemed to be in good health according to Wickham. Wickham had no idea what they were doing with Connor but was assured that it would help in their efforts to release their god, Karnos, from his prison. Wickham was very passionate in his worship of this being. A simple farmer's son from northern England, he had befriended a strange traveling man who told him about Karnos and told him that he could have wealth, women, and everything else if he joined in his worship. Wickham left the farm, following his new friend, and ultimately ended up in Peru. He had been there for five years.

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