Chapter 9: The Siren Mission

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Elysia had breakfast once again with her mother, the Mistress, and found that she had been missed. Likewise, she discovered that she had missed this mysterious woman as well. The two women hugged each other tightly and held hands as they talked over their meal.

The Mistress was pleased with her report of how well things had gone in Chicago. She had already had, the day before, a report from Antoinette, as well as Antoinette's assessment of her student's progress in learning to use her unusual gifts. She was also pleased to learn that the two had become close friends in Chicago.

"Daughter, I want you to continue developing your friendship with Antoinette. She is a remarkable and talented woman, and as you grow in responsibility on this island you will need someone like her to help you. I believe she can be trusted and can be relied upon. I have not told her about you yet, but I believe that I will soon."

"Now, you will begin new lessons, which I and others will teach you. You need to learn the purpose of this island, and how we use the power we hold here to shape the world. I know this sounds like a grand claim, but it is accurate. Through the many women who have come from this island, we are able to control a considerable amount of what happens around the globe."

"You have already used the power to get a man to do something he did not want to do. Nearly all of the women here, or who come from here, have that ability. Much of the time we use it for mundane purposes. But there are larger ends that we serve, and this is what we will speak of now."

The Mistress went on to explain that two large forces operate in the world, which often oppose each other: the masculine force ("yang"), and the feminine force ("yin"). Men and women both have masculine and feminine qualities, but the masculine force is most concentrated in men, while the feminine force makes up more of a woman's personality. In the masculine personality, we find assertiveness, competitiveness, and self-reliance; while in the feminine we find nurturing, empathy, and cooperation.

The pure masculine force can lead men to build and create, but can also lead to self-interest, violence, and destruction. Civilization can thrive only when the two forces balance each other. For example, assertive action (yang) balanced with empathy and inclusivity (yin) by the leaders of a country can result in ethical and fair government, where decisions are made with both strength and compassion. Also, when there is conflict, strategic and decisive action (yang) combined with diplomacy and understanding (yin) can lead to effective and lasting resolutions.

What we often find in this world is that men, who can be swift and decisive in their actions, are able to obtain wealth and power in the world far more easily than women. However, they often cannot hold onto what they have. Men may take what others have through violence, or they may treat the people who depend on them badly, causing them to revolt.

"Our role, Elysia, in most cases, is to make sure that rich men use their wealth wisely, for the benefit of all; and that powerful men rule with compassion and a sense of nurturing. We use our power to influence the decisions they make."

"So, like, convincing the owner of a building not to evict a family when a parent is temporarily out of work?" Elysia asked.

"Exactly, but on a far larger scale. In fact, the wife of the head of a big real estate company, one of our daughters, has stopped her husband from building hundreds of units of new housing on secretly contaminated land."

"For over a thousand years, women from this island have prevented wars, prevented the slaughter of innocent people, caused the creation of laws to protect and educate children, and many other things that help to make us civilized."

"But, mother, there have been many terrible wars, genocides, and other terrible things."

"We have not always been successful. However, I think we succeed more than we fail, and without us, this world might be a very savage place today."

"How do I fit into all this?" Elysia asked.

"As with all of the women, you will use your power to influence specific men, who could be using their resources to make the world a better place, instead of just enriching themselves, or gathering more power."

"You want me to marry someone?" Elysia asked.

"No, there are many tasks that do not require that. I have great need of you here, to assist me in deciding how we should exercise the power of this island. Your education has given you skills and ways of thinking that are sorely needed here. Also, someday you may be the Mistress, and you need to be here to learn what that means. And, I believe the seed Andrew has placed in your womb has taken root. You are pregnant, my daughter."

"How do you know that? It's only been a day or two since I slept with him."

"There are other gifts that are enjoyed by some sirens. You have this particular gift of knowing things, and I will teach you to use it. I thought I felt your condition when I held you earlier, and I have been looking for the signs. There is no doubt. Knowing things that others do not is valuable if you are to someday rule in my place."

Elysia knew her mother was right. She explored her body with her mind and could sense a slight change at the edge of feeling. It was like the energy around her was different. She experienced a rush of joy and smiled at her mother. The Mistress smiled warmly back at her. She wondered when she would start to have morning sickness and the difficulties associated with childbearing.

"We have something for you to do now, daughter, and it will require you to leave this island again, in two days. It will not take long, perhaps a few months, and you should be able to do this in your condition. I am sending Antoinette with you again. She still has much to teach you, but your skills as a lawyer will also be needed for this task. Right now, there is a man who is on a path that may harm many, and you and Antoinette must stop him."

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