Chapter 12: Looking for Love

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In the quiet of the evening, a few months after Lorelei's birth, Elysia found herself seated across from her mother in the serene garden behind the palace. The air was filled with the soft sounds of the island at night. It was one in the morning, and the Mistress had finished teaching Elysia about using energy. They talked quietly, as the fragrance of sleeping flowers mingled with the salty breeze. Neither was sleepy. Energy training always invigorated them, and Elysia would often stay awake the rest of the night after these sessions. Antoinette was with the baby, and it was the perfect time to talk about what most troubled Elysia, love.

"Mother, I've been doing a lot of thinking about Andrew and Antoinette... about love and what I truly need from a partner. I love them both, but differently. It's almost like, if they were combined somehow, I could have the quiet love of Antoinette, who knows me, the real me; and the fiery love of Andrew, who knows only the siren. They're both amazing, and I can't help but feel torn. With the baby, Andrew seems to be changing. Antoinette, though, has always been there, always caring. For her, it's not just about the baby; it's about us, our bond."

"Andrew's past... his inability to stay away from the women here, has always been a hurdle. He has changed since the baby came, for sure. He's more caring, attentive... I'd like to think I'm seeing another side to him, but I know it won't last. He loves being caught by the sirens. He's excited about being a father, and maybe he sees me now as something more than what he has always seen when he looked at me, but I doubt it. He's still mostly blinded by my siren allure. He can't really see past it. He sees me, and his body and emotions immediately respond and overwhelm everything else. I don't complain, because making love with him and Antoinette, or even just him, is heavenly. He is perfect when we are making love, but we can't make love all the time."

The Mistress listened, and her gaze drifted to the garden's lush greenery as she gathered her thoughts. Then she reached across to Elysia, taking her daughter's hands in hers, offering a comforting squeeze.

"Elysia, love is complex and thrilling. But now you seem to be looking beyond the moment. You are looking for a life partner, which sirens often do once they have a child. You want someone who will stand by you, grow with you, and give support when you need it."

"Many of your sisters are happy living and hunting with another woman. Their prey, the men of this island, are usually not suitable life partners. If you were raised here, you would probably do as they do, and take Antoinette as your mate. She will soon be with child, and she would welcome that because she will need your help, as you need hers."

"But you are not from here. Your vision of a relationship was formed around a husband, a wife, and a child, where the husband and wife cleave to each other, and sexual relations with another man or woman is betrayal. I believe that in your soul you yearn for that. I do not see how you can reconcile that vision to life on this island, or anyplace else."

"Why not someplace else, mother?" Elysia asked, unhappy with what she was hearing, but knowing that her mother spoke the truth.

"Because, if you live, for example, with a husband in Chicago, he would no longer be prey to your siren sisters, but you could not deny your siren nature. Now that you are fully awakened and have experienced the joy that comes from unleashing your power over a man, you would be the huntress. You might lie with countless men, wrecking relationships, and your own marriage in the process."

"Yes, I see how that could be true," said Elysia, sadly. "I'm not dismissing the value of what Antoinette brings into my life, or the potential of a less traditional path. It's just that, at this moment, I feel a pull towards the idea of building a life with a man as my partner. I do yearn for a husband. But mother, maybe it's not just how I was raised. Maybe it's something deeper, tied to the need for balance. Maybe I need a man in my life to balance me, as we believe, so that the masculine and feminine are in harmony."

Her mother smiled, a warm, reassuring smile. "I do not know, daughter. Trust your heart, Elysia. It knows the way. And remember, the right partner is not just about the love they give to the child but the love, respect, and partnership they share with you. There are many men in this world. Who is to say you might not find what you are looking for?"

"Oh, I hope so. Maybe it's just how I was raised, and maybe things will change for me. Right now, though, I love Antoinette, but she doesn't fill that space in my heart where a true mate should live. Back home we would call it a soul mate."

"It is the same here, child."

"Have you ever had a soul mate, mother?"

"I did, a woman named Tasmina. She died ten years ago, and I still hold her in my heart. Your father ... was just a man. A handsome man whom I met on a trip to France. I can almost see his face, but not quite. His name was Jean. I don't remember his last name."

"Have you tried to find another, mother?"

"No, it is a hard thing to be the Mistress and take a mate. I might, someday."

The conversation had gradually wound down, leaving Elysia with much to think about. Sitting in the darkened garden, Elysia began to feel a sense of peace, and the garden seemed to echo her mood. With its gentle night sounds, it held her in a comforting embrace, allowing her to reflect on her mother's wise words. The gentle rustling of leaves whispered to her that she should be patient. Maybe Antoinette would find her way deeper into her heart, or maybe there would be a man.

As they rose to head back inside, Elysia felt a sense of gratitude for this moment of connection with her mother, for her guidance, which would help her find her way. As they slowly strolled back toward the palace, Elysia took a deep breath, then sighed. Just before they walked into the Palace, her mother stopped and faced her.

"Elysia, whatever you decide, be true to yourself. Whether that's with Andrew, Antoinette, or someone else, trust your heart, my dear, and know that whatever you choose, I am here for you."

Elysia went away thinking that maybe her life was what it should be. She loved Antoinette, she loved her child, and she loved laying with Andrew and other men. This was the kind of life many other sirens had. All she needed to do was open her heart fully to Antoinette and her life could be complete. 

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