seven ;an extension

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"cream puffs? for me?" you peeked into the brown paper bag.

the treats' aromatic scent flooded your nose. you could almost drool as you fantasized about savouring these precious pastries after class.

"you couldn't bake cream puffs with me yesterday so i made some for you, too."

you were meant to bake cream puffs with the boy after school, but due to certain issues, you had cancelled your plans last minute with a white lie. you felt bad for deceiving mash as he had taken the liberty to be your lunch provider for the day, and you had nothing to gift back in return.

"thank you, mash." you safely stored the snack in one of your seals, confusing mash ever so slightly with the unique way of storage. you couldn't wait to scarf these down. mash gave you a curt nod before swiftly turning his attention to his bag, rummaging for his textbooks.

"'kay. the next class is potions, so..."

'well, at least he's dedicated.' you thought, sweat-dropping.

your head perked up as he pulled out a tattered notebook, scrapped with torn pages. your eyebrows furrowed, it was definitely an intentional act by someone. and you had a good idea on who.

"oh no. my textbook is falling apart." mash spoke with nonchalance, seemingly unphased, but his statement had elicited stifled snickers from the back.

"use this one." you pulled out a fresh copy of the textbook, sliding it over to the magic-less boy.

"thanks. we can share it." he suggested, but you only shook your head.

"don't need it. i'm more advanced than these faulty professors, anyway." you sat down, confident in your knowledge over any kind of magic.

'is she really as great as finn makes her out to be?' mash's gaze lingered on you for a second.


before mash could take his seat, a familiar voice spoke, drawing your attention as you perked your head up. you grimaced at the annoying face before you.

"hello again."

lloyd cavill. again. like a pest and its incessant visits.

"i waited for you yesterday, but you didn't show up. why not?" the blond confronted, putting on his usual unbearably irritating smile.

AN EPIPHANY ;mashleWhere stories live. Discover now