nine ;a purpose

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it was far past midnight, and you were skimming through numerous documents and record of transactions made within the past half a decade. the candlelight flame was diminishing ever so slowly as your eyes scanned through each and every text, searching for even the slightest hint and relation to your current situation with your twin siblings.

five hours into your investigation, you were getting no where with your research. it frustrated you, flipping through the stapled sheets with more haste. you were barely through with the pile, only half way in and yet each document felt like it was endless.

your eyes stung and you softly groaned, slowly putting your head down. you couldn't stop here, the next document could have crucial information. you needed to continue, but it felt like your head was being hammered repeatedly.

a small shut-eye wouldn't hurt, right?

you perked up at the sound of light knocking on your door, breaking you out of your drowsy and irritable state as you stood up to answer the door.

twisting the knob, the man you'd be faced with at your doorstep was not who you expected. moreover, you doubted that he was even meant to be here at the moment.


the divine visionary stood before you, the usual blank look on his face. his eyes narrowed at the dark circles forming beneath your eyes, eyebrows furrowing before spotting the dancing flame of the candle and the messy documents behind you.

"why're you still up?" sternly, he questioned as you rubbed your eyes in hopes that your headache would quell even in the slightest.

"don't you have matters to tend to? what're you doing here?" you answered questions with questions, opening the door a little wider to invite him in.

"don't dodge the question. what are those documents for?" he sighed, waltzing into your solitary dorm.

"aren't you...? nevermind. they're for an investigation." you shook your head, running your fingers over the edge of the papers.

"and you?" you crossed your arms, staring at the third-year who was scanning through a few documents.

"i came back to retrieve something. my return will be short." he muttered, paying more attention to the documents. judging from the look on his face, you could assume that he was wondering why you were investigating on such matters.

"wahlberg spoke to you about it, didn't he?" you sighed, sitting on the chair while rayne sat on the edge of your bed.

"on the falsified letter?"

"falsified? was it so?" you repeated. the old man didn't mention anything about the letter being falsified.

"it was later discovered that the bureau had not sent any letters to you. either way, why conduct your investigation at easton?" he flipped through more documents, some you hadn't read.

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