six ;an admonition

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"today, you will learn how to ride a broom. channel magic energy into the broom and command it with the word 'fly'! then straddle it and regulate the magic to keep it afloat." the professor instructed.

while every other student was successfully commanding their broom, you were permitted to sit out of participating in the lesson. the teacher was sensible enough to let you off after your grand entrance descending from the skies with mash behind your back, thankfully.

you sat on the warm bed of grass, legs crossed while an elbow was propped up on your thigh. you leaned your head against your palm, observing the students and their quality of magic. some had more potential than others, while mash... he was a different story.

to be exact, he was fruitlessly commanding his broom that remained still despite multiple attempts. you almost pitied him, urged to help him cheat but it wasn't in your place to interfere with his studies.

eventually, you picked up the sound of footsteps approaching mash, causing your head to perk up. a student was headed towards him with a rather mischievous grin.

"pfft. didn't realise this was remedial class!" the student laughed as he made his way to mash. you sighed, wondering if all easton kids were just egoistic brats who had no talent whatsoever.

"just give it up already! you're slowing the rest of us down!" he cackled. oh, how you just wanted to make sure he'd walk around without a mouth for the rest of his life.

you scowled from afar, standing up from the bed of grass. usually, you wouldn't have bothered making trouble for yourself. but in a sense, mash was a case you had to prioritise. both for him and yourself.

"is there a problem here?" you restrained yourself from showering the student with soul-crushing insults, a faked bittersweet smile on your face.

"it's okay, (y/n). i got this." noticing your presence, mash reassured you, giving you a thumbs up. it piqued your interest; he was going to do something to defy the need for magic again, wasn't he?

'(y/n)..? as in (y/n) kairos?!' the student stiffened up. you shot him a cold look, making him gulp as if a snake were approaching him with anticipation.

mash lifted his foot, drawing both of your attention onto him. in a swift move, he stomped the ground with such strength enough to cause the broom to bounce up.

"fly." he commanded... once the broom was in his hand.

"mash... the command goes first." you pointed out. he let out a small 'oh' at the realisation.

AN EPIPHANY ;mashleWhere stories live. Discover now