twenty ;a vehemence

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"she believed in the goodness of humanity. my mother, the noble. my mother, the naif..." you heard abel murmur.

"my gentle mother, gone forever." despite his monotonous voice, it was obvious that there was a tinge of hurt in his words.

"she was mistaken. they don't need our pity. the dregs of society are where they are for a reason. we can't live in harmony." abel stated his philosophic belief.

"i sought the best talent for my plan. abyss and others like him, dissatisfied with this world. and the one who could change it all... (y/n)." you perked your head up at your name.

were you that powerful in his eyes?

in everyone else's eyes, even?

the slightest hint of guilt plagued your heart. you could never be as great as the world had painted you out to be. everything you had done, thousands of years worth of accumulating strength, it was but a pathetic work of sheer spinelessness.

a fearful fraud with the face of strength disguising her cowardice.

you were nothing more than who you were.

"i dipped my hands into powers i never should have. all for my goals." he pushed himself off the wall, wobbling from the wounds he sustained against mash.

"you won't change my mind. the weak and the poor are a resource. they deserve to be pillaged." he stated.

"but there are bad guys at every level..." mash blankly stared at the third-year.

"the majority of them are at the bottom, which is why they should be cut off." abel said.

"that would be... a problem." the mushroom-head glanced at the ground.

"that would be a problem." he repeated.

"don't dwell on it too much." you sighed, finally walking into the room.

"you're back already, (y/n)?" mash tilted his head at you.

you only nodded, sliding your hands into your pocket.

"so, what's the verdict? still going to hand me over, abel?" you questioned the first fang.

"i don't care for that anymore. do as you wish with that organisation." he muttered, keeping his gaze on the ground.

AN EPIPHANY ;mashleWhere stories live. Discover now