fourteen ;a difference

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you sat atop a tree, full view in sight as you took notice of the four. dot, silva, some random girl, and to your surprise, mash. you thought he'd be with lance.

as the smog cleared, iron walls retraced to reveal an unscathed silva despite the number of explosions dot had casted. you let out a soft chuckle out of amusement, enjoying the showdown beneath you.

"your puny magic can't break through mine. got it?!" arrogance laced his words as silva casted his signature 'iron fist', leaving a direct hit to dot's abdomen. a piece of rubble had bounced up due to the impact, coincidentally knocking mash'a cream puff out of his hand.

that aside, there was a significant gap between dot and silva as mages. it was no wonder the second-year was feared; you acknowledged that he possessed talent, and so did dot. both had yet to realize their utmost potential, but there was a lingering instinct within you that ruled out only one of the two would put maximize that potential.

as for the other, you would deem them a waste of magic's blessing.

"hey, hey, what's wrong now?! where'd all that energy go?!" silva cooed, making a fool out of the redhead.

"i thought you were gonna kill me! come on, try harder! do it already!" the second-year mocked.

"guess you can't! even a moron could tell that much once they've seen the difference in our skills!─ ohh?" he laughed, his attention being brought to you as you hopped down from the tree you watched from.

"if it isn't the cheap copy! what'cha smiling at?" he snickered at his own joke, pointing his wand at you.

dot snapped his head back, being met with the sight of your small cunning smile. although you had uttered no words, your intentions were absolutely transparent.

you wanted a go against this silva guy. just like how he made the gap between him and dot known, you wanted to make it known of the higher plane you stood on.

"you shouldn't be here! get away while you still can!" the redhead exclaimed, urging you to 'escape' before silva made you a victim of his magic.

"no. you're not going anywhere. i know that look on your face. you think you're so elegant, huh?" silva grinned. iron walls emerged from the ground, surrounding you  from east to west, cutting off all fleeing routes.

"petty eloquent speech, thinkin' you're so noble for delicate mannerisms... you're more egoistic than me, little miss!" silva cackled.

AN EPIPHANY ;mashleWhere stories live. Discover now