ten ;a wager

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"when making cream puffs, using warm batter is the key to a mouth full of happiness." mash advised, giving all sorts of tips for the perfect creation of cream puffs.

you were making your way back from the hall, finding that mash had been waiting for you despite telling him to head on first. his reason for that being... he "didn't want to get lost". eventually, the two of you had met up with finn, and mash's philosophical talk about cream puffs began.

you were silent throughout his passionate rambles about the pastry, daydreaming and being caught up in your own little world inside your head, but you were brought back to reality by your senses picking up on someone's approaching firey intent.

"someone's coming." you muttered, audible enough to catch the attention of the two boys.

"you! with the mushroom head!" an obnoxious voice exclaimed, addressing mash by his signature, yet plain, hairstyle.

a light haired student had appeared, more famously known amongst other students for being the mvp of last year's duelo, tom knowles, a second-year at the academy.

that meant he was your senior, and you were obligated to address him as such. but were you going to?

nope. who even cares? not you, and not tom, the dense and simple minded.

"how would you like to represent adler dorm in this year's duelo match? you can't spell 'life' without 'fire', so let's burn for all we're worth!" his voice boomed, attracting the attention of surrounding students, mainly the female students.

"and where's the 'r' in life...?" you gave him a ridiculing look. his enthusiasm was refreshing, but it was too much, really.

"great question for a great spirit! i don't know!" tom confidently answered, laughing as he placed a hand on your shoulder and gave you harsh pats on it.

you had gained some durability from training in the bureau of magic, but damn, his physical strength could pack quite the punch.

while his hand rested on your shoulder, you picked up his wrist with your index and thumb, as if he had some kind of contagious germ, and carefully removed his grip from your shoulder, brushing off some invisible dust after.

"please be mindful of the person you're touching. you might loose a hand next time." you warned with a nonchalant look on your face, but tom only responded with a bright grin.

"aren't you a brave one? just like bamboo! i like your spirit!" he laughed, his hand finding its way back to your shoulder.


AN EPIPHANY ;mashleWhere stories live. Discover now