Chapter 2

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As we are ushered into the Justice Building, I try and look for Bart in the sea of 18 year old boys. I see him, but his expression is unreadable. Unable to look at my brother any longer, I move on and I am taken to a room with rich, upholstered chairs. Carefully, I sit down in one, and look around my surroundings. I can see the Simpnem symbol placed in the centre of the wall opposite me. This is yet another reminder of my doom ahead of me. Before I can think anymore, my family burst in, accompanied with two Peacekeepers, who I know from Ralph are called Eddie and Lou. They're usually nice to me, but now their faces are set in a grim and emotionless expression.

Mom hugs me first, and she hugs me so tightly that I can barely breathe. She whispers in my ear, so that no one but me can hear, "Lisa, Honey, remember your necklace I gave you. It will remind you of home". Then, Maggie hugs me, unexpectantly. She sadly sucks on her pacifier, tears flowing down her round, chubby face. "Don't worry Maggie, I'll come home soon", I say to her, bending down, so I'm at her eye level. She tries to smile, but it soon turns into a wail. Mom picks her up and soothes her, allowing me to look at Dad. He smiles and says, "Good luck, Sweetie! Can't wait to see you on TV!" He hugs me awkwardly and pats me on the back, holding a half-empty beer can. I sniff, and start to cry. For the first time in years, Bart doesn't tease me for it. He looks at me, and I look at him. His face holds a torn expression; he can't decide whether to choose his sister or his best friend. "It's ok, Bart. I'll look out for Millhouse", I say gently. He rubs his nose, and tells me, "Aw, you don't have to do that sis. Millhouse will look out for you anyway", he smiles crookedly, and puts his hand up in a wave. He explains he's going to see Millhouse now.

Mom frowns after his retreating figure, and is about to say something, when Eddie and Lou speak up, "Your time is up now, Folks", Mom wipes away a tear, Dad blows loudly on his handkerchief and Maggie waves goodbye sadly over Mom's shoulder and the door closes harshly. I'm alone in the room now. I must win. I must win for my family, even if I did say I'll protect Millhouse. Soon, more Peacekeepers I don't know take me to the train with my new District Partner. Millhouse looks at me a few times, but I ignore him. I focus on Clancy instead, who is with us. "Well, aren't you two lucky?!" she exclaims sarcastically in that rough, crackly voice of hers. We reach the train, and as soon as we get in, Clancy goes straight for the drinks cart and pours herself a glass of something. I don't know what it is because I don't like alcohol, and the only thing my Dad drinks is beer, so that's my drink knowledge. Our mentor, Snake looks at us wryly and leaves for his room. I look at Millhouse for the first time. He's changed a lot since I last saw him. He's gotten taller; taller than me for certain. He still has his glasses, but they seem a part of him, so he wouldn't be Millhouse without them. He smiles a little, and waves. I smile back, embarrassed he caught me looking at him.

Clancy drinks for the whole evening, and me and Millhouse don't say much; only Millhouse comments on the food when we eat dinner. It's true, the food is good, but I would prefer my Mom's anyday. A lump forms in my throat whenever I think of her, and tears well up in my eyes. Millhouse looks at me concerned a few times, but I easily ignore him. It's no wonder you have barely any friends when all I do is ignore people, Lisa. I go to bed soon after that, wondering what will happen tommorow.

I wake up to the sound of Clancy yelling at Snake about something. Groaning, I crawl out of the huge bed I was sleeping in, and throw on my orange dress. Going into the room where the noise is coming from, I narrowly miss a flying knife, and it embeds in the wall behind me. Screaming, I jump to the side, and bump into Millhouse. I almost fall over, but he catches me, and pulls me back up, blushing. My face red, I say sorry repeatedly, and he shrugs it off, and walks towards the table, where there is breakfast. My mouth watering, I hurry over to it, and take a seat. I take a huge piece of bread, and bite into it. I see a pile of pancakes there as well, and cautiously take a few. The food tastes like rubber in my mouth. Definitely not as good as Mom's. Millhouse keeps looking at me, shovelling food in at the same time. No one speaks though. Everyone can feel the tension in the room between Clancy and Snake. Snake smirks, and Clancy looks furious, fists clenched and eyebrows drawn together.

When I'm finished, I nearly run into my room, and shut the door, to get away from the awkwardness. I look out the window until I can see the Capitol on the horizon...

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