Chapter 23

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Back in the Capitol:

Clancy hurries down the modern, stone-paved streets, searching desperately for her friend. She ignores the pleas for autographs, or fashion advice. At any other time, she would've been ecstatic to answer the people questioning her, but now, at a time like this, she couldn't stop. She has been looking all afternoon, for one face, amongst the crowds of strangers. But, no matter how long she searches, this face won't make an appearance. Clancy runs up to a metal sign post in the middle of the street. She reads the letters engraved on it blankly, not recognising the place names. Clancy is now  officially lost. Feeling like crying, she turns around, looking for at least one similar landmark. She can find none. Clancy tries to go up to kind-looking strangers, asking for directions. But, she soon realises she doesn't even know where she is going, so she cannot ask people where to go. 

Despairingly, Clancy sits down on the side of the road, in the gutter. Her clothes have become dusty, and her hairdo has come loose, lisps of hair drooping onto her sagging shoulders. Clancy takes out a cigarette, and looks around for a lighter. Suddenly, she remembers she left hers back at the Remake Centre. It would be outrageous to ask for a lighter to a passerby, so Clancy huffs, and throws her un-lit cigarette into the road. Her eyes follow the small object, rolling into the way of cars, and heavy feet. The cigarette travels all the way across to the other side, and Clancy looks to the other side of the street. Suddenly, her face changes. Her eyes brighten, and the corners of her mouth curl up into a relieved smile. There, on the other side of the road, is Diana LaValle. When Diana sees Clancy, she shouts out, and waves her arms. Clancy quickly runs over to her old friend, and they hug each other tightly. 

"Where the hell have you been?!", exclaims Clancy. Diana just lets out a small sob, then cries on her friend's shoulder. Clancy awkwardly pats Diana, then leads her into a nearby Coffee Shop. Clancy walks up to the counter, and boldly asks for two strong black coffees. When she has paid for the drinks with the last of her small change, Clancy takes Diana to an empty table, away from chatting women, and Sponsors gossiping. "Nothing like a nice strong coffee to calm the nerves.", says Clancy primly, sniffing slightly. Diana nods gratefully, and sips her coffee, starting to feel better. When Diana seems to have recovered, Clancy asks her friend, "Well, what's happened? What on earth would possess you to run away from the Remake Centre, without so much as a note? Or an explanation perhaps? I don't know, Diana, sometimes I wonder what goes on in your head!". Diana looks at Clancy apologetically. She briefly answers, "I'm sorry Clancy, I really am. But, this was an emergency.". Clancy raises one eyebrow, and inclines her head, signalling for Diana to elaborate, taking a huge sip of her drink in the process. 

Diana sighs, then continues. "You know the building where President Skinner lives? I was sent there today. Akira was the one who gave me the message. He told me to visit President Skinner before noon sometime this morning. I went up to President Skinner's house at around 10 o'clock, and informed someone I was there. They said they would go and tell the president. I've never been in that place before, Clancy. Let's just say that President Skinner should be ashamed to rather spend the District's hard-earned money on such a grand house, then share out money to buy food more equally!", ignoring Clancy's shocked look, Diana goes on, "I waited there for three hours, and got not one word from anyone about my visit to the president. The least he could do was inform me he no longer needed to see me, but I was kept waiting until the early afternoon. By that time, I decided I should try to look around, to search for someone that can tell me what's going on. I walked around the house, going past doors that were nearly always locked. It made me wonder why President Skinner would want to keep what's in those rooms a secret. Soon, I came across an Avox. Of course, I couldn't get anything out of the poor thing, so I left them to quietly clean the room I found them in. Finally, I found,  it must've been on the third floor, something interesting. But, it wasn't pleasant. I was walking past a door...and...there were the most hideous screams coming from it, Clancy I can't even begin to describe what it was like. I heard someone shouting as well. They were ordering someone else in the room to tell them a location. But, the other person wouldn't give in. Eventually...they killed them. I knew because the screaming stopped. After that, I ran out of the house, and wandered around the streets, lost until you found me.".

Diana finishes her story, Clancy mildly horrified. Clancy stares at the stylist, and doesn't voice her thoughts at that current moment. Diana stares back, and finishes her coffee. Diana explains they had better get back to the Remake Centre, before anyone wonders where they are. The two women get up, and walk out the door. Neither of them speak during the long journey back to the Remake Centre, each one deeply consumed in their memories and theories...


Within a few minutes of walking along the tunnel, I realise that something is wrong. The ground keeps shaking, as if it's afraid of what's ahead. An uneasy feeling settles in my stomach, but I still  walk on, wanting to keep the two girls and the dead monster as far from me as possible. Eventually, I get to a small dip in the tunnel filled with water, blocking the path ahead. I instantly stoop down, and fill my now-empty water bottle with more water, ignoring the problem of getting to the other side for now. I take a long drink, then stand up again. I am about to go on, but suddenly, the ground shakes so violently, I am knocked off my feet, and into the water next to me. There is a gigantic cracking sound, and my heart leaps into my mouth. I open my mouth to scream, but it is filled with water before I can utter a sound. I look around me frantically. The puddle of water slowly starts to fill up the tunnel, getting deeper by the minute. 

It is at this point I remember I can't swim. And in the very same moment, I started to panic. The water level is now taller than my body height, and I start to sink. I wave my arms around, splashing tidal waves of water into my face, making my eyes stream. I don't care though. All I'm concerned about is keeping my head above water, and getting out of this alive. I start to kick my legs too, until I am exhausted, and start to get cramp. My eyelids droop slightly, and I slowly sink until the water is up to my nose. However, something happens. By now, I'm at ceiling level. The ceiling starts to shudder, and dust falls down into my face, making me cough. I look up; the ceiling seems to be splitting in half. To my relief, there is no water here, in this new tunnel. When the gap between the two halves of the ceiling, I hop up onto dry land. Panting, I flop down onto the ground. 'Thanks for that hardcore swimming lesson, Akira', I think to myself dryly. I notice the atmosphere around me is...different here. As if this tunnel is new, anticipating something. Then, an idea comes into my head. My thoughts are confirmed when a voice coming from nowhere says:

"Welcome to Floor Three, Lisa Simpson."

The intercom cuts off, and I can feel myself go slightly pale. A second later, I hear a rushing of water behind me. I had forgotten about the water that lead me here. I swallow, and slowly turn around. The water has started to flood the new tunnel from the gap in the floor I came from. Without a second glance, I sprint off down the tunnel, leaving my dramatic entrance into the Third Floor of this 'Arena'. 

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