Chapter 3

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The Games has always been at the back of my mind, no matter what I think about, even if it's Lisa. I always imagined myself in the Games, not as victor, but as one of the first to be killed. I am not the strongest, and not the bravest, but I am cleverer than most. That is one of my only strengths. I am a rational thinker, and can make plans. I can survive with the right tools in the arena. But I cannot fight. Being me, I think about ways in which I can find food or water, while we are on the train. Lisa walked away to her room after breakfast, and Clancy and Snake have been sitting in steamy silence ever since. I tried to make a conversation with Clancy, but she ignored my questions and either responded, "Yes" or "No". Snake was different. When I asked him about what being in the arena was like, he answered, "The Gamemakers are very unpredictable. The arena could be in any environment, as you know every year it is different. When I was in the arena, the environment was a desert. As soon as I got into the arena, I knew you had two choices: to kill or be killed, my choice is obvious, the question is, what's yours?", Snake sits back in his chair and studies me carefully.

I gulp and say, "If necessary, I will make sacrifices", and Snake laughs. No one else says anything until Lisa comes in again, and announces she can see the Capitol. Clancy continues smoking, Snake smirks, but I go up to the window with her and look out. The view is spectacular; I can see tall, shining buildings everywhere; the sun makes the Capitol look like a diamond, proud and great. I look at Lisa admiring the Capitol several times, but I always look at her. I've been looking at her like this ever since I met her. Lisa knows this, but ignores me. This doesn't make me sad, I'm not good at conversation, and it would ruin our relationship, however small it is. Lisa glances at me and smiles. She starts to talk, which scares and surprises me. "So, what do you think of the Capitol?", she asks cheerfully, and I try desperately to think of something interesting to say. "'s nice?", I reply, and it comes out more of a question than an answer. She giggles, and my heart accelerates. I smile a stupid smile, and Lisa grins. I sigh. We are nearly there now. Every second I grow closer and closer to compete in the arena with Lisa.

When we get there, the whole station is packed with screaming people and cameras. Me and Lisa instantly wince, and we run away quickly to a building where we will meet our stylists. I am handed over to three women, each covered in a primary colour from head to toe. I take one last look at Lisa before I am driven away. They shave me, and they take my glasses off so I can't see properly. I am glad that I can't and can only imagine what they are doing to Lisa. I hope they aren't hurting her. The stylists give me a hanger with my Capitol Parade suit on it. I grimace. I must wear a top with a lightning flash down the side, some electric blue leggings, and some blue boots. They style my hair in one great wave standing up, to match the lightning pattern on my clothes. They also give me contacts, so I won't have to wear my glasses. The material feels strange; I've never seen this before. The stylists paint on a lightning flash on my cheek, and then lead me into a lobby where all the other tributes are. They go quickly away, and I spot Lisa. My jaw drops and I can't move as she slowly walks towards me, embarrassed.


When I see the Capitol, I walk into the room where all the others are, and announce that I can see the Capitol. I didn't get as much enthusiasm as I expected, but Millhouse comes with me to look out at least. We watch in awe as the looming Capitol grows closer. Millhouse looks at me a few times, and I eventually look at him and smile. He smiles back and we talk a little until we get out the train. I gaze at the crowd of people screaming my name, all wanting me. Only me. I wave a tiny bit, and we are dragged to the Remake Centre. My stylists, Zsa Zsa, Bebe and Mignon lead me to where I will get ready for the Capitol Parade.

They wax my legs and I grit my teeth as the sharp pain rips through me as Zsa Zsa pulls out more of my leg hair. She does the same to my arms. Then, they clean and polish me until I am as clean as I ever have been, or ever will be. Then, they show me to the head stylist, Diana LaValle. She looks me over and shrugs. "So, you like orange?", she says casually. I nod. She goes over to a wardrobe, and takes out a costume covered with a sheet. "Well, I was supposed to dress you up in some lightning jumpsuit, but, that was awful. So, I created an alternative", she hands the costume to me and I take in a breath. I let the dress slip to the floor.

After some persuasion from the stylists, I wear the dress. It reaches down to my ankles, and fits me like a glove. The dress is orange (Of course), and the material is so light, and the colour so beautiful, it creates the illusion of glowing. I love it as soon as they put it on me. The make-up is minimal; just a hint of eyeliner and mascara and some peach coloured lipstick. They give me some small orange pumps to match the dress, and send me out to the lobby.

When I get there, I spot poor Millhouse instantly. His stylists went with the electro-boy look, and he looks as lost as an alien on a different planet. I walk up to him, and as soon as he sees me, his jaw drops. He looks so funny I start to laugh, but still a bit embarrassed. He smiles and says, "You're so lucky, Lis", and I grin and nod, liking the way he uses my nickname. We walk together to the chariot. We look like Fire and Ice, says Diana, clasping her hands together. Me and Millhouse both grimace at the same time. Didn't she know fire melts ice? We stand up on it, and we are both nervous. When we appear to the Nation, Millhouse takes hold of my hand, and doesn't let go until we go back to the Remake Centre.

We walk to our rooms, dreading tomorrow when we have to start training.

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