Chapter 9

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Soon after this, me and Millhouse went to have dinner, which consisted of less grand food than we're used to in the Capitol. It looked like it had been carelessly thrown together and lacked any character at all. We had to eat with everyone else in one big, long hall, which smelt of floor varnish and faded whitewashed walls, which framed the sorry picture we all made. No one is smiling, and all of us feel miserable. However, after we've finished our meal, Akira appears and announces that we can now go back to the Re-Make Centre and continue as we were before. The Careers cheer, and receive disapproving looks from the Peacekeepers. Unfortunately, me, Millhouse, Snake and Clancy are called behind, to answer some questions. Millhouse grimaces at me, and I only have time to smile reassuringly at him before he is lead away with Snake and Akira. Me and Clancy are left alone, and she smiles at me nervously. Very soon afterwards, Millhouse and Snake come out, with the same grim expression. The Peacekeepers then lead me and Clancy to the room where Millhouse and Snake were questioned only a few seconds ago. I can feel Millhouse's gaze on my back long after the Peacekeeper has closed the door.

Akira is sitting in the centre of the room at a wooden desk, and in a chair that looks like it will collapse any minute. Suddenly, my arms get goosebumps and I hug myself to make me warm up. I've never spoken with Akira in person before, only seen him from a distance. He looks a lot more intimidating close up, and he never smiles, which helps my situation a lot (!). Akira isn't big, or strong, but he has cold, hard eyes that set on you and you feel as if you can't break his gaze, not even to blink. He is sly and clever, and will do anything to uncover a mystery, or find out a secret. The word is, there is not a single secret kept from him in the whole of the Capitol. He has yet to learn those of the Districts though, and that is his weakness. I believe it will be his downfall, but I have never said this to anyone. This is only adding to the list of thoughts I carry around with me now. 

"So, Clancy, Lisa", Akira says coldly, and sets his pair of evil eyes on us, like we were nothing more than two fish in a net. He continues in a smooth and controlled voice, "I hope your stay here was comfortable?", Clancy nods, and I follow her example, "Good, good", Akira replies, and pours himself a glass of water from a jug in his desk. He doesn't offer us any. "Well, it appears that a fire started on your floor, and for this I apologise profusely. I'm sure none of you ladies started this, but if you did", He takes out a small, but razor sharp pen-knife, and starts to clean it on his pure-white shirt, "The consequences will be severe, as would be the case for any other Tribute, or Capitol citizen", he finishes, putting the knife swiftly back in his pocket. I gulp. Akira folds his hands together, and starts asking us questions.

"Firstly, I would like a direct account from both of you from what happened before, during, and after the event", he starts, and addresses Clancy. "So, Ms. Bouvier, would you like to start us off?", he asks politely. Clancy clears her throat, and says, "Well, me and Lisa were sitting in one of the rooms on the District 5 floor; we were training for the Capitol Interviews, and suddenly we heard someone shouting. We went into the corridor, and Snake was there. He ran out of the room, and tried to slam the door. But, he had...he had...he had forgotten Millhouse", and she burst into tears, and I awkwardly pat her on the back. Akira then puts off his questions with Clancy for the moment, and asks me what happened from then. "Um...after Snake, you know, got out, Millhouse managed to get out too, um...", I giggled anxiously, and Akira seemed to enjoy me being uncomfortable. He asked me what happened next, with a sly smile on his face. "After Millhouse got out, Millhouse said that the room was on fire. He took me outside and Clancy and Snake joined us", I finish, slightly out of breath. 

Akira seems to think that this is enough and promptly takes us out of the room, thanking us for our time. That went well. Too well. Something isn't right. We meet Millhouse and Snake outside the room, and from there we go back to where we were staying originally: The Re-make Centre. I peer into the room that set fire on the way to my room, and, surprisingly, it was as if nothing had happened. All the tables and chairs were aligned perfectly, and nothing was out of place. Curiously, I go into my room. Everything has been turned upside down in there. The bed is overturned, and my clothes are all over the floor. Someone has been going through my room, and I'm going to find out who it is. I go out my room, and knock on Millhouse's door. He opens it, surprised. "What is it, Lis?", he asks. I peer over his shoulder into his room. Everything is in order, like the room that set fire. Millhouse repeats his question, a bit more impatiently this time. "Come and see.", I reply angrily, and take his arm and drag him to my room. Millhouse gasps, as he sees what was once my room. "This wasn't like this before, right?", questions Millhouse carefully. "Do you know me at all? I would never leave any room like this", I say, gesturing to the bed, the clothes, and the other furniture that has been overturned or broken. Millhouse growls, and drags me with him to the main room, with the TV in it. 

"Lisa's room has been searched!", shouts Millhouse, furious. I blush. Snake and Clancy look at me. Clancy shrugs and says, "So what? They're bound to have searched our rooms, and if it's untidy I'm sure an Avox will be along soon to clean it up", she says dully. All the life has gone out of her eyes, and she is smoking from a cigarette slowly, and carefully. You can see tiny red veins in her eyes, and she looks as if she has been crying. Snake, on the other hand, is completely composed; not a hair out of place on his digusting head. I glare, and quietly go back to my room, Millhouse seething behind me. I start to tidy up my room myself, taking care to avoid Millhouse's eyes. He exclaims that I don't need to tidy up, but I ignore him. Soon, he joins me, and we tidy away all the mess in silence.  I will find out who did this, and I will uncover what the Capitol is up to, even if  I have to take this to the Arena. I dread the Capitol Interviews tomorrow. 

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