Chapter 7

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Back in Springfield:

Marge sang to herself as she put the final touches to her work of art. She couldn't wait to see Lisa on TV again, actually in person this time. She was almost willing the day to go by faster, so she could finally watch the Capitol Interviews tomorrow. Mayor Quimby splashed out on a huge banner in the town centre with the words: 'Support Our Tributes' on it in bold writing. Although she knew Lisa would hate all the attention, Marge allowed herself to believe that Lisa would do brilliantly. It was strange that Lisa hated the Games so much, but she seemed almost born for it. The least her mother thought she could do was show her some support. She and some other mothers in the neighbourhood had a plan. They would set it in motion soon; she and Maggie had better hurry. Quickly, Marge took Maggie by the hand and dragged her outside, where everyone was waiting. "Ready?", Marge asked confidently. Her friends nodded eagerly, and the group started to walk towards the town centre...

Bart watched the small group walk away from the house and groaned. If there was one thing Lisa would beg her mother not to do, it was this. Grabbing an apple from the kitchen, Bart strolled out of the house. He had waited all morning for Marge to finally go, so she wouldn't see him and ask questions. Homer was still asleep, so he wouldn't bother him. Bart walked to the end of the street, and threw his now-eaten apple onto the road. It was strange for him going outside without a skateboard, but he was adjusting. Slowly. Bart still liked to go out to the Park, it got him away from all the Lisa-Mania inside the house. Millhouse's parents didn't like to support Millhouse as much as the Simpsons supported their eldest daughter; they thought it was wrong to encourage him. Bart sat down onto a bench nearby. He was bored. He had to find something to do soon, or he'll melt into the floor with boredom. Stretching his legs out, Bart daydreamed about all the things he and Millhouse would do when he got back. If he got back. Bart couldn't bear to think that if his best friend got back, his sister wouldn't and if Lisa got back, Millhouse would be lying dead, buried in the ground in the Springfield Cemetery, freshly brought back from the Capitol. 

As he was thinking this, someone tripped over his leg. Bart swore, and told whoever it was to watch it. He looked up and saw none other than Ralph Wiggum, Lisa's only friend before she went into the Games. Bart groaned as he took in Ralph's white face and shaking knees. "I'm so s...sorry B...Bart!", he said, terrified the older boy might hit him. Bart looked at the acne-ridden, awkward sixteen year old with amusement. He shrugged, forgiving Ralph. He obviously didn't do it on purpose. Ralph stood there awkwardly for a while, watching Bart. Bart started to feel uncomfortable, and said eventually, "What do you want?", and Ralph blushed. Bart narrowed his eyes and tried to work out what Ralph wanted to say. Soon, he got his answer. Ralph stammered, "Uh...I wanted say t...that Lisa", and then he hurried quickly away, but Bart stopped him before he could go much further. "What do you mean?", asked Bart carefully. "I...I mean as in like, like, you know, not as a friend", Ralph said, scared of Bart. "Not as a friend?", asked Bart menacingly, and Ralph replied, "No. I was wondering if it was ok if I asked her to be my girlfriend actually, after she comes back". Bart didn't give any time for Ralph to say anything else, as his fist hit his mouth, and blood poured from Ralph's lip. "That should teach you to say anything about being my sister's boyfriend when she could die any day!", shouted Bart, then he punched Ralph a second time, then a third. He let Ralph fall to the floor. 

Bart soon found himself in a Peacekeeper's Car, heading towards the Justice Building, being arrested shortly after he had stopped punching Ralph. It seemed that Ralph's father, the head Peacekeeper, Chief Wiggum, had been watching the whole thing. Bart was told his parents would be informed, and he would spend his time in a cell until his family came to collect him. He would be tried in court depending on Ralph's injuries, which they would inspect when they got to the Justice Building. Bart thought Ralph deserved it though, no matter what the consequences were to him. He had to teach Ralph that he couldn't say things like that to Tribute's relatives. Bart now thought Ralph had got the message, loud and clear. 


"Where the hell have you been?!", screeched Clancy, as me and Millhouse walked into the dining room, where Clancy had been frantically looking at the clock and Snake had been playing with a knife. The two Tributes shuffled their feet and muttered something. "Well, wherever you were, you're here now! So, Lisa, you go with Snake, and Millhouse will come with me", Clancy said, and dragged  Millhouse with her to a room. Snake smirked at me, and gestured for me to sit. "So, Lisa. You will be talking with me for half the day, and Clancy will be taking over for the other half. Understood?", said Snake. I nodded quickly, and almost cried out loud with relief. Snake then started talking to me about how important it was to make an impression on the Nation, as I got the best score that you could possibly get, etc. I tuned out for the most part, and focused on the pattern in the table cloth instead. Finally, I realised Snake had stopped speaking long ago. I looked up at him, and Snake looked at me with an evil gleam in his eyes. I gulped. "You know, if you like that pattern so much, maybe I could carve it into your face with this knife", said Snake calmly, running his dirty finger along the sharp blade. I paid attention to him throughout the whole of our conversation after that. 

Finally, Clancy came to my rescue, and escorted me to the room where I would be practising how to act in the Interviews. I internally groaned, as I saw Clancy's eager face grin at me. Millhouse and I exchange a look, as we pass each other in the corridor. 


I pass Lisa, and I look at Snake, not looking forward to the rest of the day. When I talked with Clancy, everything was fine, all I had to do was zone out when Clancy talked about manners and how to act. Now, I would have to pay attention to everything Snake said. To look for any indication at all that he would really do what he said he would last night, before I got drunk. 


Lisa walks out the room, not being able to take anymore from the Capitol Scores. I think of following her, but decide she wants to be left alone. I watch the rest of the TV show, and before I know it, it's time to eat. Clancy shouts out Lisa's name a few times, but when she doesn't come to the table, she joins me and Snake. We eat in silence, as usual. As soon as we have finished eating, she goes to bed, complaining she has a headache. It's just me and Snake.

Snake starts off the conversation, saying, "So, do you think the girl has a chance of winning?", and I reply, "Yes.", firmly. Snake laughs, and replies, "Don't let her score decieve you, I know a killer when I see one and I don't see a killer in that girl. I have seen plenty of killers to know that". Angrily, I answer, "Her name is Lisa, and you don't have to be a killer to win", but Snake laughs even harder at this statement. "Of course you do. Even if you don't touch a weapon, and win, you now know you have the power to kill. The power to survive.". I can't say anything against this, what would I know? However, I am determined to prove Snake wrong, and I say so. Snake smirks, and assures me that if Lisa ever does survive, it will probably be because I protected her. "Am I right loverboy?", Snake asks me, wiggling his eyebrows. I don't answer him, and rise to leave, but Snake isn't finished. 

"You know that I am perfectly capable of slitting Lisa's pretty little neck in her sleep, so I would advise you stay if you don't want her death on your hands", his menacing voice bounces around the room, and reluctantly I sit down again. Snake nods once, then brings out a whiskey bottle. He offers the drink to me, expecting me to take it. When I refuse, he taunts me until I do take it. Hating the feeling of the burning liquid sliding down my throat, I concentrate on not spitting the disgusting drink out. "First time?", asks my Mentor mockingly, and I glare at him. "I'm more used to beer", is my reply. Snake laughs for a long time, and points at me, his hand shaking from his laughter, "You both deserve what's coming to you!". Quickly, consumed by anger, I grab the nearest thing to me: a knife, and throw it in Snake's direction. He has already walked out of the room, and the knife buries itself into the door. Swearing, I take a swig of alcohol to calm my nerves. Then I take another. And another. 

End Of Flashback

I can't remember anything after that. I suppose I must've walked out onto the terrace. Obviously. Sighing, I walk into the room where Snake is. He is holding a knife, and he says, "Millhouse, what a pleasant surprise"...

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