Chapter 19

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 I soon find that this tunnel is much easier to survive in than in Floor One. It seems being the first one to reach Floor Two has it's benefits. I have no Careers to worry about, at least for now, and I have good food and water supplies. I have my medicine, as well. I also have the phial with the red liquid in it. I still don't know what it does, but I'm guessing it's lethal. My thoughts are confirmed when I stop for a rest, and I take out the phial. I open the lid, and sniff the liquid. Instantly, my senses are invaded with poisonous gas, and I can barely breathe, the smell is so strong. I quickly put the lid on, and hide it away. I take a long drink of water afterwards, and try to get the memory of the smell out of my head. I start feeling dizzy, and my vision blurs...

I wake up a few minutes later, bewildered that just a few seconds of inhaling the liquid made me pass out. I look at the phial next to me, and quickly put it away, wondering why the Capitol gave me poison. Instantly the answer comes to me. They want to drive me to such extremes that I would want to kill myself. Suddenly, the impact of being a threat to the Capitol fully hits me. I shiver, and get up. This only makes me more determined to overcome whatever they throw at me. I soon find myself in a tunnel where the ceiling gets smaller and smaller. However, there are still lights along the tunnel, so I keep following the lamps either side of me on the walls, certain they must lead to something. Eventually, I come to a ceiling so small that the floor is just inches from it. I swallow. It is only the light coming out from the narrow gap that motivates me to get down on my stomach and wriggle through the gap. When I reach the other side, I can stand up again, luckily. However, unluckily, I am again surrounded by darkness. If I ever get out of these Games, I'll have a life-long fear of the dark. The light I saw on the other side was just a lantern on the floor. I pick it up and look around. 

The floor and walls are coated in some sort of slime; the darkness makes this even more sinister. There is a horrible smell which makes me gag, and cover my nose with my sleeve, which must be the slime. I wonder if I was even supposed to come here. But, in the Arena, everything happens for a reason. Soon, I hear a deep rumbling sound, that fills the whole tunnel. A shiver rolls down my spine. The sound gets closer, and I have to balance myself, as the noise is so loud it makes the floor shake. I take a deep breath, and walk towards my second task on Floor Two. 

My task soon comes into view a few steps down the tunnel in the form of a huge, hideous monster. This thing makes the Thoriumi look like Rabbits. It has long, yellow fangs, dripping with a black liquid I can only assume is poison. It's whole body is covered in the slime which lines the tunnel, and the terrible smell is so strong, the scent wafts off it's body in clouds of green gas. It looks like some sort of slug or worm, and has red slits for eyes. In short, it terrifies me. I instantly turn to run, and I start to sprint back along the tunnel. However, when I come back to the narrow gap I wriggled under to get here, it has vanished. Desperately, I look along the wall to search for the gap, but I have no luck. By this time, I can feel the creature's breath on my neck. So, I am being forced by the Capitol to fight this monster, to the Death probably. I swallow, and take out my knife I got from the First Cornucopia, and turn quickly. 

I stare right into the face of the monster, it's reeking breath violently attacking my senses. Slowly, I raise the knife to it's face. It seems confused, at least, so I bring the blade closer. As soon as the cold metal touches the slimy skin, the creature gives out a hideous shriek, and tries to bury it's fangs into my shoulder. I dart to the side, and the monster's jaws snap together. Not wasting any time, I try and get behind the monster, but the creature is too quick for me this time. It swerves in my direction, and opens it's jaws again. I have only a millisecond to spare before I'm being chomped between a set of teeth. I jump out of the way, just as the monster's fangs embed into the wall I was leaning against just before. The creature roars and tries to free itself from the tunnel wall. I take this time to try and put my foot up on the monster's back. However, the slippery slime prevents me from getting any further than a few inches up. Instead, at the last minute, I sink my weapon into the monster's side. The creature howls in pain; I try and pull the knife out. 

Unfortunately, the knife stays stuck in the wound, and I have to yank for a few minutes, the creature screaming all the time. When I eventually do get the knife out, something comes out with it that I didn't expect. A purple pulsing heart comes out, stuck to the tip of the blade. As soon as the heart meets the air, the creatures other various organs come out. Guts spew out at my feet. At any other time, I would be disgusted, but now, I don't care. I take one last look at the monster writhing in pain, then run down the tunnel where the monster came from. I feel quite sorry for the creature, but I couldn't avoid killing it. Unfortunately... 

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