Chapter 15

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Back In Springfield:

"Homer!", Marge screamed at her husband, lying asleep on the couch, "Get up! The Games start today!". Maggie shook her father, and Bart kicked Homer. Despite the family's efforts, Homer wouldn't stir. So, Bart, Marge and Maggie sat on the floor, and Bart turned on the TV. Instantly, the smiling face of Aristotle Amadopolis beamed at them. It was his huge greeting of,  "Happy Hunger Games!" that woke Homer up. When he did open his eyes, he sat up immediately, and focused on the TV. Aristotle explained everyone was excited. The Sponsors were watching the Tributes closely, and the Capitol citizens were placing their bets. The Hunger Games had finally started. 

Marge sighed, and tuned out the introductions of the Sponsors. She had seen those faces on her TV screen as long as she could remember; it was like they were some kind of deranged distant relatives. She remembered instead how long it took to persuade Mayor Quimby that he should release her and Bart from the Justice Building, at least until the Games had finished. She would be tried in court after the Hunger Games, and Bart had been let off with a warning, and Chief Wiggum had said for the thousandth time, "That's the last time Bart's getting let off! No more warnings anymore!". Marge jolted out of her thoughts by Maggie shaking her, and pointing to the screen. Marge stared at the image of her daughter standing on the pedestal, waiting to jump off and go into the Arena. Marge looked at the shots of the Cornucopia, and concluded that this was truly Lisa's worst nightmare. 

The family watched with horror, as they experienced Lisa going through her first day. They saw her encounter with the Careers, her night in the tunnels, and more importantly, the creatures she found hidden there. 

"I know what you're thinking", Aristotle said to the camera,"What are those creatures hiding in the Hollows? Well, let the great Aristotle explain. These animals are called Thoriumi, named after the metal Thorium, as they are known for their particularly solid qualities. They have hard silver shells in their nests in the Hollows in the Arena, but when they come out into the tunnels, their shells turn black. They have antennae, like most insects, and sharp fangs, which give a nasty bite, and a lasting poisonous effect on the victim. As you can see, these animals suck blood, and have a powerful grip on the victim until they finish their feed. Then, these clever creatures wait for the poison in the prey's blood to take effect, and the victim will eventually die. When the victim is dead, they will eat the flesh off the body. These animals were designed by the Capitol, and are a new addition to the Capitol's range of genetically engineered animals. This is the first time they have been shown in public. Did you know that?", Aristotle finished his speech. 

Marge flicked off the TV, and the family sat in silence. Lisa was a victim of the Thoriumi. That means she will die. No one says anything, and Bart gets up and grabs his jacket from a chair nearby. He leaves the house, and Homer goes to the fridge, and brings out a pack of beers. He said he would be in the Garage. Maggie was sent to bed quickly, and Marge was left alone in the kitchen, crying in peace.


I  crawl into yet another tiny tunnel, dragging the lipstick against the wall, as usual. The creatures have let go of me, at last. It's the second day of the Games, and I already want the Careers to come and find me. I'm surprised I'm giving up this early in, but my body protests against every move I make. I'm certain this is something to do with those creatures I encountered a few hours ago. I wonder if I am the only one that has experienced them. I doubt it. If the distant cries and shouts I've been hearing in these tunnels is anything to go by, I am not the only one who has been bitten by the animals here. That is the last time I'm going into those Hollows, that's for sure. Ever since the creatures attacked me, I have had this aching in my bones, which I can't ignore. Also, where ever the creatures have bitten me, there is gaping holes in my arms and back, which are bleeding incessantly. Finally, exhausted from the pain from the creatures and the crawling, I sink down into the floor, and groan. I am starting to get claustrophobic, and I don't think I can take much more. 

Suddenly, I hear a sound in the darkness. I hold my lantern up higher, but I can see nothing. The noise gets closer; it sounds like a scattering of insect-like legs. I freeze. The creatures have come back and found me. I start to crawl along the small tunnel again, urgently trying to find a tunnel that I can stand up in, and run. The noise gets closer, and I don't think I'm going to make it. However, I crawl a few more feet when my lantern reveals a turning in the path. I turn, and it seems the ceiling is getting higher. I may stand a chance of getting away! I can stand up now, and I sprint down the tunnel, the noise getting further and further away. Suddenly though, my lantern goes out. The light source is protected by glass walls in the lantern, so I can't reach it to fix it. I drop the lantern, and drop to the floor in despair. How will I find my way now? 

A voice comes into the Arena: "Good Morning, Tributes. This is an announcement to inform you that all power has been suspended until further notice. We have had some...technical issues. May the odds be ever in your favour." The voice dies, and I growl in frustration. Technical issues?! The Capitol never has technical issues. This just adds to the list of reasons why I could die here in the Arena. I'm injured, in the dark, and lost in the Hunger Games. I put my head on my knees.

I wish Millhouse was here.

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