Scenarios: They nearly see you die part 2

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Octavia: (Another extension of Stolaria and Blitza's scenario) When she saw you being carried by Blitza and Stolaria she immediately assumed the worst and started to cry thinking that you died. It was only seeing you heavy breathing did she realize that you were still alive, she instantly brought him to Stolaria's bed and tried comforting him. Octavia was actually the one who volunteered to take the heavenly sword out of you. Sefice to was to fucking painful.

Loona: Crimson had kidnapped you and nearly killed you had Loona and the rest of the IMP girls not come to your rescue. Once they got you out, they realized too late that Crimson had stabbed you with a blade that pumps out liquefied heavenly steel. The steel was slowly burning your insides and would kill you if nothing was done about it. And so far, they had 2 hours till that steel kills you. Loona had been the one to drive the van at top speeds to reach the closest hospital there was. She even kicked down the door and threatened the nurses to have someone see you.

Carmilla Carmine: Her daughters were the one to find you rather than Carmilla herself. You had been trying to protect Cherri bomb who was surrounded by angels during the extermination. Luckily you had saved her and told her to run without looking back, while reluctant, she did as told. Anyway, you were in the worst possible shape there was, you had spears sticking out of every limb and deep slashes were on your back and chest. Carmilla wasted no time trying to save you and it was one of the few times she legitimately cried in front of her daughters. Clara and Odette weren't fairing anywhere better than their mother, they had seen you as a father figure and were to terrified to lose you this soon.

Velvette: Valentino and Vox has made numerous attempts at your life and every day they failed and end up badly beaten. However one day, they got the jump on you when you were at your weakest and nearly killed you as a result. When Velvette got wind of this, she let her teammates have it. She threw a fit at them and nearly ripped Vox's head off his shoulders before threatening them to never touch her  Y/n ever again unless they want another ass kicking from both her and said butterfly demon.

Beelzebub: It was after your little stunt with Mammon that the embodiment of greed attacked you personally at Bee's very own party. A giant fight ensued which resulted in Mammon losing one of his insect-like legs and you getting stabbed in the gut. While it wasn't as fatal as being impaled by a heavenly weapon, you were still in pain. When Bee saw this she lost her cool and nearly killed Mammon herself had he not run away like a coward. When she finally calmed down, she gave you a taste of honey which instantly healed you up.

Vortex/ Verosika: They normally kept you in their tower to prevent any exorcists trying to kill you (Don't know what else to put here)

Emily: After your little fiasco at the heavenly court, Emily has been watching over you ever since. The one day she didn't watch over for you, Lute had stabbed you in the chest and left before she could finish the job. When Emily had found you, she immediately teleported you up to heaven and tried her best to heal you. She called in a few doctors who were very reluctant considering A) Your a demon B) They may get in trouble with the head Seraphim for aiding said demon and C) You had a hand in killing a very important figure in heaven. Yes, that figure was Adam but hey, still important enough. But anyway, Emily got you healed up while both watching over you and praying that you get better.

Lucillia: Despite the fact that you already had a home, that being the Hazbin Hotel, Lucillia had teleported you to her castle in an effort to protect you from any oncoming angels. TL;DR she's going to make sure you're well safe and protected. However during the battle against heaven, Adam had nearly chopped off your head with his guitar axe. Not only did Lucillia see the attempt on your life but she was just as livid as you may suspect. Luckily, you and her gave him an ass whooping for a lifetime before Adam eventually died.

Lilith: Just like Emily, Lilith has been watching both you and her daughter for the past year and suffice to say, she was impressed. Not only did you basically carry the entire group in the Hazbin and Heaven fight, but you even managed to kill that son of a bitch Adam who's been on Lilith's nerves since her deal. Lilith saw what had drawn her to Lucillia in you, you were kind, cheery and had that spark Lucillia lost so long ago. So imagine her rage when Lute came back and started to insult you in Lilith's face. Lilith gave Lute a beat down that nearly killed the angelic warrior again.Not a good day for Lute.

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