C.H.E.R.U.B.S part 2

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We open on the three cherubs rolling Lyle in his bed outside to a hill overlooking a forest and a lake.

Cletus: Look around, Lyle. God's gift of nature is a wonder to behold, regardless of age! Or wealth!

Collin: If you were to end your life, you'd be missing aaaaaall of this.

Suddenly Blitza appears in a smoking hot tiger costume that barely contained her.........assets.

Blitza: Mm-hm. You're gonna buy that load of shit from a baby and the sheep it fucks?

Keenie covers her mouth and gasps. Collin blankly stares in disbelief, and Cletus gives a disappointed look at the Imp demon

Keenie:  That is so inappropriate!

Y/n, Millie and Mixxie appear with the Imps in cat costumes and the sinner demon in a fox costume that conceals his wings.

Y/n: Oh please, this asswipe experiments on living people and profits off the corpses that invention caused! And you say we're the inappropriate ones ?!

Millie: Yeah, kiss our ass, prude!

The butterfly sinner sits next to the old man with a pair of binoculars he pulled out of his pants. He even did the classic prank of placing ink on the eye holes so that when Lyle looked in, he had black rings on his eyes.

Y/n: Don't listen to these self righteous assholes, Nature is fucking horrible. Even the innocent looking ones aren't safe. Here, see for yourself.

The old man looks through the binoculars and sees an adorable group of bunnies and squirrels together. The critters are suddenly torn apart and eaten by a pack of hungry wolves.

Lyle: Ohhhh, noooo!

Collin: S-Stop looking!

Lyle:  I CAN'T stop! I've never wanted to die more than I do now!

A bear swipes a wolf to the ground. It raises a paw to attack but is then crushed by a falling tree, cut down by a beefy logger with a chainsaw. 

A beehive lands on the man's head and he screams, flailing his head to get the hive off while also throwing his chainsaw into the air. 

The chainsaw comes back down, cutting both of the man's arms off and causing him to scream harder, before his body is skewered from behind by the antlers of a charging stag as lighting flashes dramatically.

The human and the cherubs look on in horror as Blitza and Y/n give them a look of fake shock which turns into a smug look.

Y/n's smirk:

Cletus: (nervously) Uhhh, let's go check out someplace else!

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Cletus: (nervously) Uhhh, let's go check out someplace else!

Millie and Mixxie bump fists, the paws of their cat costumes squeaking as we cut to a shopping mall. 

Lyle in his bed is pused through the door hard enough to destroy both it and part of the wall surrounding it.

Lyle: Oh, Lord! Where are we now?! Let me perish!

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