Authors note

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Okay so I recently had a conversation with one of you readers concerning the angel i mentioned bacl in the first Overture chapter.

The angel is an archangel and is in love with both Lilith and Lucillia before he died to God, Adam and Sera

Some of you may remember I had written another authors note concerning how Y/n killed the angel despite the lack of heavenly magic.

I also mentioned how the answer lies in Archangels.

What hadn't crossed my mind was the fact that the archangels are related to each othe, siblings in fact.

I fon't know alot about the bible and may have read an interupitation where tje archangels are all biologically related

I don't write shit about incest and no I don't care if it was implied in the bible. I don't write incest.

How this didn't cross my mind until now is a question I couldn't answer even if i had the knowledge of god with me.

I really don't know what goes on in my own head.

Anyway, that will mean the archangels will not be related and Lucillia did not fall in love with her sibling.

For those wondering, Yes Y/n is connected to this archangel.

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