chapter 16: drowned in ashes.

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Taehyung and Jungkook stood side by side, their gazes fixed ahead, yet not meeting each other's eyes.

The Kim family stood at the corner, their presence almost unnoticed amidst the unfolding scene. Their eyes reflected a mixture of regret and pain, silently observing the scene before them with heavy hearts. Each member of the family bore the weight of their own burdens and actions, their collective sorrow casting a shadow over the tense atmosphere.

The Jung family retreated with heads bowed in shame and hearts heavy with humiliation.

As for Hobi and Taehee, their presence added another layer of tension to the already charged atmosphere. Taehee stood like a stoic figure, her gaze fixed upon the unfolding scene with a mask of emotionlessness, hiding the regret and pain that once marked her expression.
Beside her, Hobi stood with shoulders slumped, his eyes betraying the weight of guilt and remorse that he carried. The once vibrant and carefree demeanor he exuded was replaced by a sense of resignation, as he grappled with the consequences of his actions.
Taehyung motioned for Taehee and Hobi to stay and witness his engagement, a silent demand for them to confront the consequences of their actions.

Mr. Jeon looked at the surroundings . His heart, heavy with the realization that this marriage resembled more of a funeral than a celebration.

Despite the lack of happiness, he refrained from placing blame, understanding the turmoil and pain that each individual present had endured.
His gaze then settled on his son, a mixture of uncertainty and concern clouding his expression.

Across the room, his eyes met Mr. Lee's. Mr. Lee's melancholic smile acknowledging a silent understanding and offered a sense of reassurance amidst the bleakness of the situation.
After some time, it was the moment for the ring exchange.

Mr. Jeon said, "Sons, exchange and put your rings on each other."

Upon hearing this, Jungkook slid the ring they had brought onto Taehyung's hand.

Taehyung hesitated, then spoke up, "I don't have a ring."

Hearing this, Mrs. Kim cried silently. Taehyung refused to take her ring, the token of love she had made for her child, the token of her blessing.

Mr. Jeon, understanding the situation, said, "Son, I don't have anything, but after Young's death, I always wore our engagement ring as a necklace. Would you like to use my ring?"

Taehyung looked at him and replied, "Sure, sir. I feel the emotions behind the ring are pure. I would be honored if you offer me your ring."

Hearing this, Mr. Jeon solemnly removed the ring from his necklace and placed it into Taehyung's outstretched hand.Taehyung accepted the ring with gratitude, recognizing the weight of the emotions imbued within it.

As Taehyung slid the ring onto Jungkook's finger, their eyes met in a moment of unexpected connection.
Taehyung found himself drawn into Jungkook's gaze, which seemed to hold a sense of serenity and tranquility, a stark contrast to the turmoil within Taehyung's own heart.
There was a familiarity in those eyes, an unspoken understanding that left Taehyung both comforted and bewildered.

However, when Jungkook smiled, the change in his eyes snapped Taehyung back to reality.
After engagement taehyung refused to go back to the kim mansion.
"It's better to die once in the hands of enemies than to die every day in the hands of backstabbers, called family," Taehyung muttered, his words laden with the weight of bitter truth.
With a heavy heart, he resigned himself to the reality of his situation, acknowledging the painful choice he had made in order to break free from the suffocating grasp of deceit and betrayal.
As the Kims returned to their mansion, a heavy atmosphere hung over the household. Mrs. Kim sat motionless, her eyes filled with unending tears, her once vibrant spirit now extinguished by the weight of her despair. She harbored a deep-seated hatred towards everyone, especially her father, whose well-intentioned words had inadvertently led to her son's suffering.

Meanwhile, Mr. Kim stood silently, a sense of failure weighing heavily upon him. He watched helplessly as his family crumbled before him, feeling the weight of his inadequacy as a father. Every glance from his broken wife and every tear shed by his son only served to deepen his sense of guilt and regret.

Mrs. Kim sat holding a frame, Mr. Lee approached her with a soft call of "Taehee." She looked up at her father, slowly rising from her seat, feeling nauseous and exhausted.

"Appa, please go back and forget about me," Mrs. Kim uttered, her voice strained with emotion.

Mr. Lee was taken aback by his daughter's words, stunned into silence. "What?" he managed to utter.

"Yes, because of you, I lost my child today," Mrs. Kim continued, her words heavy with accusation. "I believed in your decisions from childhood, thinking they were always correct. But the truth is, you were always a chauvinistic man with a fake ego, thinking you were greater than everyone else. Because of you, I stopped my son from pursuing his dreams, fearing he would be hurt. But now I realize, if I hadn't, he would have been more efficient and happy. And because of you, I believed in that girl," she pointed at Taehee, "who made his life hell. Shame on you for being a homewrecker."

She turned her gaze back to Mr. Lee. "You always did what you thought was right, never asking me or anyone else what we wanted. Remember when I wanted to be a designer? I was called the 'reincarnation of Picasso,' selected for international competitions. But what did you do? You married me, making me believe that my passion was just a hobby. And like an idiot, I believed you. You made me like this. You are the worst father anyone could ever have," she concluded, her voice breaking as she collapsed to the ground.

Mr. Kim rushed to her side, carrying her in his arms. He looked at Mr. Lee with a mixture of anger and sorrow, instructing him to leave.

Mrs .Kim was sitting holding a frame when mr.lee came to her .
Mr .Lee:" taehee" he called out softly.
Mrs .Kim looked at her father.
And stood up slowly. She was feeling nauseous and tired.
Mrs .Kim:" appa...please go back , and forget about me".
Mr .Lee was caught off-guard with her daughter's words .
Stunned he uttered" wh_at"." yes ...for you ...only because of you i lost my child today.... You made my child see me as his enemy...from the childhood i believed that your decision were right ...were always correct but the thing was that ... You were always a chuvanistic , man with a fake ego..who think he is greater than every one..... You only because of you I stopped my boy to do what he wanted thinking he will be hurt ...but if I didn't he would be more efficient and happy.....for you i believed that girl"
Lee mansion:

At night Mr. Lee sat on the balcony in silence. Ehen Mrs .Lee sat beside him.
She rested his head on her shoulder and began to softly pat his head.

"Why did you do that to Taetae?" Mrs. Lee inquired gently, her voice filled with concern.

Mr. Lee remained silent for a moment before responding in a somber tone, "After what happened, I feared that Taehyung would hurt himself if he stayed at the Kim mansion. So, I reached out to my friend and arranged the marriage. I knew about his son, he's a decent boy. I felt that Taehyung needed a break from us, from the hate he harbored towards us, before it consumed him."

"How do you know he is decent?" Mrs. Lee asked, her curiosity piqued.

"Before the engagement, I checked his background and gathered all the information," Mr. Lee replied quietly.

Mrs. Lee nodded in understanding, and they remained in that position for a while, finding solace in each other's presence.

After some time, Mr. Lee broke the silence once more, his voice barely above a whisper, "We failed as parents, didn't we?"

Mrs. Lee met his gaze and uttered softly, "Yes," acknowledging the painful truth they both carried in their hearts.
To be continued 💜
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