chapter 4: primary constraints.

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The following day, Mrs. Kim was released, and they returned home. Upon arrival, they encountered an enthusiastic Mrs. Lee eagerly awaiting their granddaughter.

Mrs.lee : awww baby has come....( Saying so she did something to avoid evil eyes) .

Mrs.lee : Yuna come sitt..

Mrs . Kim: mom.where's taetae.

Mrs.lee : "oh...he is asleep...he cried too long" ..

Mrs. Kim expressed concern and appeared frightened.

Mrs kim:" is he hurt?... Is he ok.... What happened..."( She panicked).

Mrs.lee: "nono don't worry...children's cry...I guess he was missing his mom" ( saying so she smiled lightly)." mom can you bring him here ....he will cry if he wakes up alone."

Mrs.lee: "oh no baby...he is in deep sleep I shouldn't disturb him by taking him from his safe place; he hasn't slept for too long since yesterday." but mom..I want to see him...please...i haven't seen long.

Mrs.lee: but baby..,(Mr. Lee interrupted her midway).

Mr.lee: bring taetae to Yuna...

After that mrs.lee didn't say a word and went to the nursery.
. "mom bring him here for a minute".
As Mrs. Lee handed forward the baby, Yuna tenderly caressed his face and gave him a gentle kiss. Witnessing this affectionate bond, everyone smiled. "mom place him on the pillows"
Mrs.lee: hmm..

.The Lees and Kims were engaged in a slow chat when Taetae woke up from his slumber. As he rose, he surveyed his surroundings and, upon understanding, sought a familiar face. Observing everyone, he eagerly crawled and made baby noises until he reached his most favorite person. With excitement, he went towards his mama and patted her knee. aww baby you woke up..( saying so she bend to kiss him).

Taetae,: amamammam.....,( speaking excitedly he bounced at his place and made grabby hands.)

Mrs . kim: aww wait your sister is feeding ...wait a minute baby.

Taetae, unable to comprehend, patted again. Mrs. Kim attempted once more to explain the arrival of his new sibling, but Taetae remained puzzled. He couldn't grasp why an unfamiliar face was taking his place. Mrs. Kim's strict protectiveness had limited his interactions with peers, preventing him from understanding the concept of siblings. To him, the person he saw was his mama, the only person he knew. The abrupt shift in attention unsettled his small mind.

Taetae: "amamamama."...( He spoke being frustrated and burst into loud tears .)
Hearing his cry the new born also started crying.

Mrs.lee: ,"baby give me taehi you comfort taetae "..

Mrs .Kim: "yea mom.
Saying so she gave her daughter to her mother and took her ". "why no cry....she is your sister baby she is your protector...."

Mrs. Kim began breastfeeding him. It was the first time, and she felt her baby clutching her tightly, keenly aware of his surroundings, closely observing every move of the new face in his grandma's arms.
After 2 months:-

Taetae and the baby played together. Over time, Taetae appeared to accept the new baby as his sister. Initially confused, the constant association of words like "protector" and "sister" with the new face helped him understand there were two of them. In his mind, the face was defined as a "protector" due to repeated explanations.
After 1 yr:-
Recently, both children began crawling. The little girl proved to be a faster learner than her brother, partly because Taehi was provided with ABCD and other educational books. Mrs. Kim consistently encouraged her engagement with learning materials. In contrast, Taetae was given simple pictorial anime books and papers for scribbling. Nowadays, Taetae can speak a few words along with his sister. : together ok ..i am coming.

Both of her nodded their head.

Taehi: taetae.. race....( She spoke quickly)

Taetae : ok..

They began crawling, and after 2-3 rounds, Taetae grew tired, his joints aching. However, little Taehi, oblivious to the situation's complexity, started laughing and crawled around her brother. Her competitive nature, instilled by her mother, drove her to excel in everything, but understanding the nuances of familial dynamics proved challenging. Despite being instructed to protect her brother, the complexity of such emotions was beyond her comprehension. For her, Taetae was a playing partner she could tease.

Seeing Mrs kim coming taetae
crawled toward her crying..

Taetae: mamaaaaa...( He cried loudly). rushed quickly and carried him..she thought he was hurt.. then taetae pointed at his joints. taetae I told you not to race so can't do it ...what will happen if you get hurt ..huh..
(She spoke scolding him lightly). : taehi i told you na not to compete with your have to protect her .( She scolded)

Taetae/ taehi,: sowwy....

After several incidents, Taetae ceased playing with Taehi. The frequent losses and pain saddened his little mind, compounded by his mother's constant restrictions on what he couldn't do. Eventually, he accepted that he couldn't win against his sister. Now, when Taehi initiates a crawling race, he ignores her and plays by himself. Unbeknownst to them, a subtle competition has emerged between the siblings.
.to be continued.

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