Chapter - 01

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Jennie's pov

" There are seven colours in rainbow "I said to seyoen " Why there is only seven colours in rainbow? I have seen so many colours " she asked to which I replied "Because all the colours are the mixture of these seven colours" , " Ohh" she said while making a cute face

Then suddenly jisoo came and said to her " Seyeon baby, you don't have to go to school, why are you troubling my big baby" , " No unnie she is not troubling me" I said to jisoo

" But seyeon baby go with mommy to get ready for the school" then I said to her and kissed her cheeks

" And jen , stop being lazy and come down stair for breakfast "  she said to me while arranging my bed " Okay mom, I am coming " I said to her while pouting to which she just chuckled at my behavior and said " And also dad wants to talk something important " then she walked away with seyeon while I just nodded

You might be thinking that why I called her because she is just like my mom, she always take care of me like a mom and never given a chance to feel that I don't have mom.Now get up from my bed to get ready and a simple dress after Showering.
And I don't go to my company daily. I rarely go there if there is some important work my manager take care of everything perfectly.

I came down stair and sat one of the chair and greeted my father " Good Morning Dad " then he greeted me back "Good Morning princess"

Then I asked him " Dad you wanted to talk something important with me "  to which he said " Yes but let first jin and jisoo come " I nodded to him
The maid maid served the food and soon jin and jisoo also came fully ready to go for their work with seyeon

They sat on the chair and we greeted each other then dad started " So you all are curious about what I wanted to talk something important " everyone nodded even seyeon because she was also curious like us then dad continued "Jen you remember your fifteenth birthday, you promised me something" then I said " Yes Dad you had said that, I can do whatever in my life but I have you marry the man you will say. And that is why I haven't made any boyfriend or not been in any relationship "
" I knew that you will never broke my promise" Dad said smiling which make me smile too that is the thing I want that my dad always be smiling like that and I can do every thing for that , other's were listening carefully what is going on

" Now it's time you to get married and I already found the man" Dad said with a very serious face, I was a little shocked and also felt sad it not it's very fast l mean I am still very young but then I realized that I have to marry one day with someone I don't know so there is no any other choice rather than accenting it so I said " I am ready Dad " after thinking

After listening my answer Dad smiled then jin and jisoo also seemed happy with my answer

" So it means my big baby will not be with us after some time " jisoo said dramatically wiping her fake tears and everyone laughed a little at her acting skills then again she said " But I am happy for my baby " and after her jin also said " I am also happy for my sister " to which I thanked them

" Yeah, marriage means party, party means fun " seyeon said jumping happily and came near me to hug me, I hugged her immediately and kissed her cheeks

" By the way, who is that lucky guy " jisoo asked grabbing everyone's attention and holding a glass of water to drink water
" I am telling but first put the glass down otherwise you will ruin your cloths " Dad said making everyone confuse but jisoo followed what dad said and put the glass down

" Tell us dad" oppa asked, " The ceo of Kim's corporation...... Kim Taehyung " Dad said making everyone shock while I was just thinking how to react the oppa said while rapping as always " How, when, where"
Then dad finally decided to tell us , he said " As you know his mother was the friend of your mother, so yesterday I met
Mrs. Kim and she started talking about your and his marriage and I also accepted because I can't find a man better than him ever ''

He explained us everything and I started thinking about him. I haven't met him but I have seen him several times on internet he is very homesome like a God but I have heard that he is very rude and cold
Why all the people who is handsome is rude in this world.... I was thinking then I felt that somebody hugged me then I back into in this world again from my imagination

I saw jisoo hugging me I also hugged back soon she broke the hug and said
" He will be the best match for you and a perfect hushand " while smiling then I thanked her and oppa also came to hug me , he also hugged me and kissed my forehead and said " He just look rude but in actual he is very kind "

I don't even asked him but got my answer . I got the brother who without asking give me every thing which I needed and always make sure that he is taking good care of me or not. That is why I love him so much. Some time I feel that is there only me who is that much lucky in this world or anyone also.

Soon they all went for their work  and here only me and Dad left. I was thinking about this marriage all the time until dad said "Don't think too much he is very good person" and smiled at me to which I replied " If my dad is saying then he surely is " to me dad both chuckled

And then dad stood up and said" Okay, now I am going somewhere"
" Okay bye then "  I said
" Bye princess " He replied and kissed my forehead after that he left

I went to my room and decided to call rose. I have to tell her that I am going to get married by myself otherwise if she got know about it with any body else then she will kill me.


Taehyung pov's

Right now I am sitting in my office working on some files the suddenly someone barged in without ever knocking and I know who is this because no body have that much courage to come in without knocking except jungkook and jimin .

" You know where you barged in without even knocking " I said looking at him while pretending to look angry because I was not then he said
" Of course, in my hyung's office " he said showing his teeth while sitting on the chair in front of me
" May I know the reason why you haven't knocked " I said to him
" Because I know when I will knock you're going to say come in like always " he said to me

" Whatever,... Say" I said again looking into my files then he asked " What say? "
to which I replied " Say, why are you here? "
" At least ask me how I am " he said while pouting, " You are looking very much fine" I said to him
Omg why they have to do so much drama only with me...

" Seriously you are not going to ask me " he again said
" Tell me fast I don't have time " I again said to him irritately then he said " Okay tell me when you have time then I will ask you"

" So you are here just to pass your time because you don't have any work to do. So for your kind information I am not free , go and irritated the peoples of your restaurant " I said to him because now he is making me angry by his unnecessary talks

" Oh my dear brother you are doing such a great business and dont even know that if I will irritate the people who come to my restaurant then who will come to my restaurant " he said " And I am not here to pass my time I am here to tell you something " he added

"Then tell me before l call the security to throw you outside the building" I said to him trying to not get angry
But instead of telling me he started laughing at the thought of what I said...
It is looking him funny , after some seconds he stopped when he saw my angry face and again sit on his chair properly . Then said
" You don't have to be angry"
" Tell " I gave him the last chance to tell
" Just come home on time and dont be late like always, mom wants to talk something important " finally he said

" This you can also tell me on phone " I said to him to which he replied " I know but I wanted to see the handsome face of yours, so I came "

" So you have seen me enough now go " I said him to go because I can't be able to work properly in his presence
" How rude" he said while getting up from his chair going towards the door

Finally he left after spending one century here..... I sighed heavily and rested my head on the chair.

" What mom wants to talk me important " I said to myself and closed my eyes to take some rest.


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