Chapter - 03

151 9 3

Author's pov

Taehyung was done eating his breakfast and ready to go for his work
" Mom I am going now" Taehyung said getting up from his chair
" Okay take care and also come home before six, today we are going to meet my daughter in law " Mom said in commanding tone

" It is not so early mom" Taehyung said wondering that yesterday he came to know that he have to get married and today we are going to see her
" Why are you excited? " Jungkook with a mischievous smile on his face,who was listening to them while doing his breakfast silently
" You, shut up I am not talking to you" Taehyung said to him giving a death glare

" Nothing is fast" Mom said intrupting their nonsense, "Mom I will also go" Jungkook said to mom " Yes why not" Mom replied to him

" I will try to come early" Taehyung said and left to his office


Jennie's pov

" OMG! What is this? " I yelled after entering in my room and after seeing my all beautiful cloths placed on my bed
" Ohh come on don't yell and fast select a beautiful dress " Rose said who was arranging the things for my makeup

" There is no need, it's too much" I said to her , " Nothing is too much, your future husband is coming to see you today and I want you to look irresistible so that he get heart attack after seeing your beauty" she said
" Do you want me to get arrested by police as a murderer? " I said to her which make both of us laugh
" A little heart attack will not kill him" she said

And after that she made me sit on the chair and start doing her work.
In the morning dad told us that they are coming for dinner here tonight and from that time she is making everything to make me look bueatiful. Such a lucky I am to get a friend like her.

" Did Lise came ? " Jisoo asked coming in the room, " No, unnie let me call her and ask where she is " I said to unnie and took my phone to call her

I called her it is saying that her phone is switch off then I said " Her phone is switched off"
" I think her phone could be out of battery and she can be on her way " Rose said to us
" Okay when she will come please tell me" unnie said and left

We also continued, what we were doing.


" Let me call jennie and tell her that I will be late " Lisa said to herself who was driving and took her phone to call jennie

But before se open her phone a sudden push got her car like somebody just hit her car and her phone slipped from her hand and hit very hardly to the steering which caused her phone to dead.....

" I am going to kill the person, whosoever it is " Lisa said angrily getting out of the car and saw a black car crashed himself to her car
And a handsome man got out of the car and also looked at the both cars where Lisa was looking

" I am sorry, I just hit my car to your car by mistake " the man said normally folding his hands not bothered by his mistake which made Lisa more angry

" Ohh Hello, what do you think who you are? Firstly you hit my car and now you are showing me your cheap attitude, you even don't know how to say sorry " She shouted in anger

" Listen no need to shout, I will give you money for repairing " He said taking out his phone
" What do you think, I am a begger. I don't want your f**king money" Lisa said in one breath an again started saying when se catched breath " And I am giving you money ,go and take admission in nursery school so that you can learn how to say sorry after doing mistake Mr.Oafish "

She gave him a weird name because she don't know his name although she know that this name doesn't suit him even a bit because he is damn handsome but who cares....

" What the f**k! did you called me with that name, My name is Jungkook not Oafish and why should I respect a quarrelsome girl like you " Jungkook said finally telling his name and and pointing his finger at her
" Mr. Jungfood I don-" she started saying but being cutted by him when he said " I am Jungkook not jungfood " while correcting him
" So Mr. Jungle book, I don't care wh-" she again started but stopped when he slammed the front of his car with his hand , " Are you deaf or can't you just listen properly, l said I am JUNGKOOK not jungle book" he should with irritation

" Like that, Are you blind or can't you just see clearly that you hit my car
Mr. JUNGKOOK " she said and also shouted his name at the last so that he know that she was listened his name from the first time properly but she was just pretending that she don't know

" Such a stupid girl you are " He said glaring at her, " I don't want to waste my time with bald man like you since I am going somewhere very important. I will take my revenge leter " she said pointing her fingers at him and return to her car
" And you will also make sure that you will suffer from calling me with such weird names " He also said and then get in his car
" Such a devil in a costume of angle "he said to himself while sitting in his car and thinking that such a beautiful will be this much irritating who would like to quarrel fo no reason.


Right now Taehyung is coming in his office after attenting a meeting. When he entered in his office he saw someone sitting on one of the chair after recognizing he got to know that he is his best friend who is sitting waiting for him

" Hey " Taehyung said to him to which jimin turned his head towards him which was backfacing him
" Hello Mr. Soon to be husband " Jimin said to him while saying that so that he came to know that he know that he is going to get married, " I never thought that I will got to know about that from jungkook not from you" he added

" Thank god, he told your because I was not planning to tell you " Taehyung said to him while sitting on his chair
" You are so selfish, I am also going with you all tonight , mom invited me " jimin said yo him
" So you are going their to show your profession that you used to flirt with girls" Taehyung said to him knowing his habit" Please don't flirt with anyone there" he added
" Whatever, I don't flirt with everyone " Jimin said explaining to him
" Ohh really " Taehyung said while folding his hands asking for confirmation
" Shut up and tell me who is that girl" Jimin said

" Her name is kim jennie and I don't know her not ever seen her " Taehyung said taking out his file to start his work
" She is Mr. Jin's sister " Jimin asked for confirmation to which Taehyung looked at him and said " How do you know "

" What you mean really kim jennie" Jimin said being extremely excited
"Now what happened to you" Taehyung asked him


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