Chapter - 10

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Only the sounds of birds can be heard in the morning because it is still six in the morning and the newly wedded couple is still sleeping. But it looks like one is going to wake up soon.

After sometimes Taehyung opened his eyes and sat in the bed rubbing his neck from his one hand, hairs all messy still looking handsome as always. He looked at other side and saw his beautiful wife is sleeping soundlessly.

He stood up and went towards the study table which was in his room to work on and sat on the chair and start doing something, opening the laptop which is not new at all it is his daily routine to work after waking up in the morning.

After doing work for almost one hour he decided to get fresh and go to his work and also today he have a important meeting. He stood up and saw that his wife is still sleeping not bother to wake her up thinking that why should he care. He went towards the washroom to fresh up.

After that he came out of the clothing room fully ready to go his work after doing breakfast.

As soon as he opened the door and came out of the room, he welcomed by the crazy brothers of his, who was standing next to his door bearing naughty smiles on their faces, eyebrows raised, folding their hands while looking at him.

" What " He asked making a disgusting face while looking at them
" We should ask, what" Jimin playfully said
"What are you doing here? and also what with that look" He asked while folding his hands
" We just wanted to tell you something and were standing here waiting for you to open the door but looks like you was busy" Jungkook replied making a innocent face

" And why was you waiting for me to open the door, why can't you just came in, you have the habit of directly come in my office, room and wherever I live without even dare to knock "He said reminding him his habit
" Actually we don't wanted to disturbe you two and also not wanting to see something that we should not so that is why we hadn't went in " Jimin said making him confuse

" Ohh my dear brother, what if we saw you and noona both in bed... You know " Jungkook said after looking at his confused face while signalling with his eyes to make him understand

" GET OUT " He said after realising what he wanted to tell in his cold voice while glaring at him
" You look cute when you become angry " Jimin said looking at his while also teasing him
" I said something get out of my way" He reminded them who were standing on his way
" Just come with noona to breakfast, don't come without her other wise mom will beat you in front of you wife " Jungkook finally said the reason of them coming there and then they both walked away after telling him and also after enjoying the teasing of their brother.

" One more responsibility " He said to himself sighing and again walked in his room to wake her up.
He walked to Jennie's side who was still sleeping and started thinking, how he should wake her up

" Jennie " He called her name but no response " Hey, wake up" He agai again said this time slightly shaking her hands " WAKE UP " This time a little bit louder while becoming irritate
" Such a heavy sleeper " He said to himself and again shaked her hands. But this time she covered herself with the blanket completely while saying
" Unnie please only five minutes more"

" Huh, unnie? " He repeated and smiled unknowingly
'What are you smiling Kim Taehyung at her ' he thought and mentally slapped himself

He looked at her for sometimes and they removed the blanket from her face revealing her beautiful face and then after staring at her face for some seconds he leaned to her ears and whispered in his deep and husky voice " Wake up, Mrs. Kim"
Jennie's eyes opened after he whispered in her ear which gave a sudden shiver run through her spine and when she felt his hot breath on her eyer lob.

She pushed his slightly after seeing his face and the distance between his and her face and sat straight in her spot. He stood again back to his position " How dare you to push me " He said coldly "I am so sorry" She replied " But it is your mistakes, who use such a scary trick to wake someone" She added not daring to look into his eyes cuz she already know he was looking at her already

" I am going to get fresh" She again said and run toward the washroom without waiting for his response

" Do I look like a ghost " He said to himself while looking at the running figure who just locked herself into the washroom
He took out his phone and waiting for her to come while scrolling through it.


Jennie came to the dining table and saw Mom, jungkook and jimin already there for breakfast
" Good morning mom" She said to mom after reaching there
" Good morning honey, sit" Mom replied to her while smiling and pointing towards a chair
Then she also greeted to jimin and jungkook and they also greeted her with a happy smile on their faces.

Taehyung also came and said beside Jennie. Jennie looked at him and received a death glare from him which she know for what. He was waiting for her in the room while wasting his precious time and without telling him she just came downstair without telling him when he was deeply into his phone. She just pressed her lips tightly while looking at other side , so that she can able to control her laugh, He knows that she done that on a purpose.

Then he start doing his breakfast.
" Why are you in such hurry son, eat slowly" Mom said looking at the speed of his doing the breakfast.
" I have a meeting today mom and it is very much important " He replied

Jennie who was listening thought if he have a important meeting today then why was he waiting for her in the room.

" You should have waked up early then if you are having a important meeting today" Mom said
" How will he wake up early, if he haven't slept early on time " Jimin said teasingly
" Why" Mom asked to jimin
" You don't know mom, it was their firs-" Before jimin can complete his sentence Taehyung said " Shut with your nonsense " and also gave him a death glare
Jennie also got to know what he was saying lowered her head in embarrassment .

Jimin locked his mouth while jungkook and mom just chuckled secretly.

"Um , Honey will not you go to your company" Mom asked jennie to change the topic to which she said
" No, mom I don't go daily there, my manager take care of everything but we are launching a new product so I will have to go wherever it will require "
"Ohh" Mom replied with smile
" You both" She again asked looking at jungkook and jimin
" I am also going mom" Jimin replied
" I will be with noona " Jungkook said looking and smiling at jennie to which she also smiled at him and said
"Thank you so much " thinking that she will not get bored after getting his company

Taehyung stood up and said " I am going now "and immediately left from there
Jimin also stood up and started to leave but stopped and said " Bye everyone " specifically waving at jennie to which they also done the same
Not like her husband who haven't even looked at her while going. Then he also left

" Don't be sad noona he never said goodbye to even us " Jungkook said dramatically after seeing tha sad face of jennie while trying to make her happy to which she smiled a little and said " It's okay and you are so cute " and pinched his cheeks which made him blush hard and he immediately done his head down. Mom and jennie both laugh hard t his behavior.

Then jungkook took her to show the house and introduce her to everyone like servants and maids.


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