Chapter - 07

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Everyone was sitting in the dining room for dinner except Lisa and jungkook. Talking to each other and this Taehyung was also talking to Jin something about business. Mom and dad was talking about their old days. Jimin being jimin was talking to seyoen like a little  kid.
Rose, jennie and jisoo also were talking about shopping and all.

Soon Lisa also came , seeing her alone jisoo asked " Where is Mr.Jungkook " to which she replied " He is in the washroom "

Jisoo nodded and Lisa also sat on the chair and joined in their talk leaving the poor boy helpless....


Jungkook's pov

I don't know where she brought me but it is cool and peaceful and then she said that their is ostrich, I came to see and tried to find where it is but then I heard the sound of the door shutting down . I looked at the door and shouted " Hey stop" but she locked me here " This girl" I said and punched the wall beside me.

"How can I be that fool to fall into her trap" I said to myself and then I saw another door in the room. I smirked and said " Foolish girl thought that I can't be able to come out"

I went at the door, and tried to open it, luckily it was open. I came out of the room
" Ohh No" I cried looking at the three doors one on each side " What should I do, which one I choose" I said " Why only me God" I added sighing frustratly

I thought to choose the left one because from that side we entered in that room
I opened the door and saw a long straight gallery and started following it
I came at the end and again turned to left hoping to find the room from where I came here.

After walking  for sometimes I stopped and decided to rest a while being tired of walking "Even I haven't seen my home completely, I will see their house only" I said

Again I started walking but then I saw a lady and ran to her asking for help
She looked at me confused but bowed
She must be knowing who I am
Then said " How you came here sir, Nobody come here it is servent quarter "

What the hell! I swear I will kill you Lisa one day
" He he actually , a fighter jet left me here, can you guide me the way " I said rubbing my hands on my neck to which she gave a confused look after what I said

Then she said " Sure Sir, please follow me" I thanked her and started following her

Even the workers are better than her in this house, I thought



Everyone was waiting for jungkook on the dining table for dinner cuz it's already 9:00 pm and they have to return their home also

" Where the hell he is " Taehyung said anger visible in his eyes because he don't like to waste his precious time
Lisa was enjoying very much
Then she saw jungkook coming after female worker and again an evil plan came into her mind
" What we're you doing in the washroom with a her " Lisa said loudly with an innocent face to which everyone looked at jungkook with shock faces especially his Mom

Jungkook and the Maid widen their eyes
" I was just lost my way so I asked her for help nothing else " He said explaining then everyone relaxed and jungkook also taken a seat beside jimin

After some time they done their and also taken leave from their after doing goodbuy's.

Time skip.....
At their wedding day after two weeks.

Two weeks have passed like in two days.
None of them talk to anyone. Only jimin and rose met once in a cafe.
In the morning everyone is rushing here and there in the Kim's mansion for the preparation of the wedding.

On the other hand the groom is in his office till now.

"Jimin where is Taehyung" Mom asked
"He is in his office" He replied
"Call him immediately and tell him to be here in ten minutes" Mom said fuming in anger"This boy never listens" she added

Jimin called him and told him to immediately come to home.

In twenty minutes he was now home.
He entered in his room and saw that his room is occupied by two crazy peoples who were doing God knows what.

" You are so bueatiful jennie, looking like angle" Jungkook said mimickering the cold voice of Taehyung holding the hands of jimin
"Thanks you are also looking very handsome" Jimin replied to jungkook who is right now Taehyung while he himself is jennie right now, looking down trying to act shy

Taehyung who was standing and thinking what they are doing here right now got it that jungkook is he himself and jimin is jennie

"Why are you two here and what are you doing" Taehyung asked pretending that he don't know what they are doing

Jungkook moved a little far from jimin and became priest and said "Can't you see marriage is going on" He said like a priest while jimin was trying to control his laugh to which Taehyung said " Stop this and get out from here " and sat on the bed and took out his phone and start scrolling

They ignored him and continued their wedding. Jungkook who was priest started saying "Do you Kim Jennie take Kim Taehyung as your lawful husband" He said only this much because he only know that
To which jimin who was jennie said "Yes I do "

Taehyung again looked at their drama
Then jimin became the priest and jungkook again become Taehyung
" Do you Kim Taehyung take Kim Jennie as your lawful wife " Jimin said to which jungkook said "Yes I do "

" Stop you two before I through you out" Taehyung again warned them but they pretended that they haven't heard what he said and continued their marriage
" Now you may kiss the bride " Jimin said as priest and back to his position as Jennie

Jungkook starter leaning to kiss jimin as as taehyung while both of them controlling their laugh. Taehyung who was seeing this all also trying to ignore them but they make it hard for him to ignore them and control his laugh but suddenly he became serious and said
" I am not going to kiss her " Taehyung said gaining their attention to which they stopped who were trying to kiss each other but still can't able to kiss from centuries

Then jungkook said " What do you mean by you are not going to kiss her " while leaving the hands of jimin and walking towards Taehyung
" What everyone will think that Kim Taehyung haven't kiss his wife even in the wedding " Jimin said also going towards him to which Taehyung was going to say something but someone said opening the door of his room " So it means you are not going to fulfill the rituals " and it was his mom who heard everything what jimin said
" Well it's my wish " Taehyung replied removing his suit not paying any attention towards their talk to which the three looked at him with disbelief

" Okay, it's your wish either you kiss her on lips or on her feet ten times in front of everyone " Mom said with a mischievous smile on her face on the other side jungkook and jimin who were thinking that mom is taking his side and giving him option but brust into laughter after hearing what mom said while Taehyung looked at his mom confused and said
" What " to which mom said " It is ritual my son "

" Since when and who made this " Taehyung asked " From today and I made this " Mom said to him and again smiled to his " Get ready fast , and you two also "
she added and pointed at them also

Then she walked away and said " You can choose it's your wish " when she reached at the door

" I got the smartest Mom in the world " Jungkook said proudly looking at the side from where Mom went a while ago

" You should choose the second option you will get ten chances to kiss her " Jimin suggested teasingly
" Shut up " Taehyung said and walked to his washroom to take shower

While both of them chuckled at their brother's disgusted look. Then they also started helping him and themself also started getting ready.

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