Chapter - 04

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Taehyung's pov

" Now what happened to you" I asked
" Nothing just wondering how bueatiful she is" Jimin said to me to which I said
" When did you met her " ? I again asked because know not so much people have seen her

" I met her in my hotel "he said
" Did you talked to her " I said pretending that I don't care but inside I was curious when did he met her and why

He put his hand on the table to support his face then stated saying " I haven't talked her but I know her name" and pause for a second then again started saying  while I was listening carefully what he was saying

" Damn she is so beautiful, her pretty face, her cat - like eyes, her perfect face, long black hair and her sexy bod-" he stopped who was imagining her features
of the day when he met her all the time smiling like an idiot and looking outside the window ,when I cutted him and said
" Stop, you are talking too much"
because I don't care but I don't like to hear the explanation of her features by him

" Why are you jealous " he said while teasing me, I was going to say something but someone said from behind him " Who is jealous? "
And it was jungkook who again barged in without knocking. Now one more danger

" Your brother because, I just told him how gorgeous his wife is " he said to jungkook to which I said " Who said I am jealous and why would I "
I am jealous, no way why will I ? , yes I am not that type of man ... I thought to myself

" Ohh come on bro she will be our sister and we will be her brothers, so no need to be jealous because no have that much courage to take your wife" Jungkook said also teasing me to which jimin chuckled and he received a death glare from me

" If you both have done your nonsense, then let's go it is already 5:30 we have to reach home before 6:00" I said to them while looking the time in my watch, standing from my chair and also trying to be free from their teasing session
But who can stop them...... No one

" Late for home or to meet your wife " this time this shorty teased and jungkook brust into laughter to which I said, "Shut up, what a pain in a** " glaring at them which had no effect on them

And after that I left from their followed by them also for home.


Author's pov

" Really you said that to him " Rose said to Lisa who told her everything that had happened to her with jungkook
" Yeah, such a mannerless man " Lisa replied to her and then the door of the clothing room opened revealing jennie
fully dressed who was looking extremely beautiful

" Ohh my poor heart" Said rose after putting her hand on her heart when she saw jennie and them Lisa also turned her head to look at jennie, her jaw dropped and muttered " WOW "

" I know this dress is only made for you" Road said roaming around jennie checked her carefully , " You are stunning unnie " Lisa said to jennie " Really " Jennie said to them looking herself in the mirror

" Are you ready jenn-" Jisoo said coming in her room to check if she is ready or not but stopped when she saw her little sister shining in black dress

" You are looking gorgeous, even in a simple black dress " jisoo said again to her
" Thanks unnie " Jennie replied with a sweet smile on her face " And you three is also looking very bueatiful "  to which they also thanked her

" Okay so I was telling that they will be here at anytime so Rose you come with me and Lisa will be with jennie " Jisoo said to them to which they all nodded

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