Chapter - 06

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"AAAAhhh....... What are you two doing"

Hearing scream everyone turned to look what was behind the sofa at the same time they broke their eye contact and back into reality after an staring session

Then immediately jimin stood up from rose and also helped her to stand up
" I am sorry , it's just jk pushed me " Jimin apologized while bowing to which rose said " It's alright, I saw " while trying to hide her face which was red like tomato

" It's not like I sat upon you after pushing that you can't stand up "jungkook said with a smirk on his face to which everyone laughed except Taehyung while Rose and Jimin were embarrassed

" Let's talk about marriage now" Jennie's dad said everyone nodded and than sat on sofa

" I want this marriage as soon as possible " Taehyung's mom said in serious tone so dad said " How about after two weeks "
" Yes it will be good " Mom replied
" It is okay with you Jennie " Mom asked Jennie

Jennie looked at her dad and her dad nodded with a smile then she again looked at Taehyung's mom and nodded to her although she know it is really very fast but she don't want to disappoint her father.

" Mr. Kim what about you" Dad asked Taehyung who was looking outside the window all the time , instead of him his mom replied " He is okay with it " because she know he will say something stupid not caring where he is to which Taehyung just looked at his mother for a second then again turned his head to look outside

" Why is he always have a poker face " Rose wishpered to Jennie then Jennie replied " God knows I think nobody taught him how to smile " in wishper
" Such a coldy" Rose again said " and rude too" Jennie added

Then everyone talked about marriage things like how , when, where and so on after discussion of all

" Why not you both talk alone " Dad said to jennie and Taehyung who were sitting silently listening to all

" There is no need " Taehyung said
" There is need " Mom replied to Taehyung
" But what is the nee-"Taehyung was saying but saw his mother's deadly look so he stopped and said " Okay " while sighing

" Go Jennie, take him to the balcony " Her dad said and then both stood up and headed towards balcony

After they gone
Mom said looking at rose " My, dear can you take please jimin also somewhere because he seemed too bored" intentionally to which rose and jimin looked at his mom shocked

Lisa just hit rose hand a little and wishpered " What are you looking , just say yes " and then rose hesitately said
" Oh, yeah why not" Jimin also looked at her when she said yes

Rose stood up and said " Le.. Let's go " while cursing herself in her mind for shuttering

Jimin also stood up not knowing what to do and went to her while looking at his mom and then jungkook who just smirked at him and mom just winked at him secretly  so that no one can notice
Rose looked at Lisa before going with him who was having a teasing smile on her face. Afterwards they also went somewhere

" What you two looking at them with that face, you two also stand up and go somewhere to better up the things whatever you have " Mom said to jungkook at Lisa after seeing their faces who were just enjoying the akwadness of their siblings
And then their faces turned into shock

" Yes you should go" this time jisoo said with a mischievous smile on her face to Lisa
" Get up fast " again mom said

Both were in little shock but the they both smirked at each other thinking that it is the best time to take take their revenge

They both stood up and then Lisa said "Let's go Mr. Jungkook" he nodded and followed her

They also went leaving everyone their


Jennie's pov

I was walking first and he is just following me, soon we reached one of the balcony

" If you want ,you can sit"I said to him quitly not looking at him to which he immediately sat on one of the chair and I also sat in front of him

Nobody talk for about two minutes nor looked at each other but then he broke the silence while saying " You should know that I am doing this marriage only for my Mom and I am not interested in it even a bit"
What the hell he wanted to say...

" And this marriage means nothing to me" He said coldly folding his hands directly looking into my eyes and I was just listening to him all the time feeling sad about what he is saying

" So don't expect anything from me " He completed his sentence, Like who is expecting anything from a Ice cube
To which I just nodded while looking down not knowing what to say

Taehyung's pov

I said to her to don't expect anything from me and plus I am not interested in this marriage so that she don't expect me to treat her like a husband
I thought she will say something like she don't want this marriage then but she just nodded quitly, well it is good at least she is not a fighter like that girl who was quarreling with my brother downstair and also it means she will do what I will say after marriage.

" Let's go its getting late "I said standing up to go while she is following me


Rose's pov

I don't know why his mother told me to talk to him roam in the house alone, where I take him God?

" Should we go on the terrace " I asked him " As your wish" Then he replied and I nodded to him while he was just following me
We reached at the terrace
" Sorry " he said, I just looked at him confused
" For what happened downstairs " He again said after looking my confused look
" I already said it's okay" I replied to him

" So your name is.... " I asked him trying to change the topic cuz it's to embarrassing talking about that
" Jimin, Park jimin " He replied to which I also introduced myself " I am park rose "

" What do you do " He asked me then I replied " I am the owner of the city's mall"
To which he said " Ohh its pretty good "
And the  I looked at him like I am asking about his profession
He asked " Do you know Jem's resort "
" Yeah, one of the famous hotel" I replied
" Well, I am the owner" He said
" Oh that's great " I said
Then we talked about random things and I felt happy talking to him, well he really nice

After talking here and there and returned for dinner


Lisa's pov

I know this idiot is planning something but he can't do anything cuz he is came here for the first time and I know what I am going to do

" Where are we going" He asked to which I replied " Just follow me " then he rolled his eyes while following me

I take him to a room which he don't know that he is going to have fun

" See there is a ostrich " I said while going towards the window to which he looked at me confused but came to the window and said " Where "

" Look that side " I pointed anywhere outside the window and started walking backward until I reached at the door from which we came in the room because in the room there is two doors, I opened the door silently and came outside and locked the door from outside
I heard him shoutout " Hey, stop " but I ignored him

It is the backyard of the house and rarely people come here and from the second door he can never come cuz coming from that door like roaming in maze
God please help that idiot man....

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