Chapter - 09

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The whole ride was full of silence both were minding their own business, jennie was looking out of the window whole time while Taehyung was focused on the road.
Soon they reached at the Kim mension.
He parked the car and got out of the car and got out if the car and opened the door for her. She removed the seat belt and tried to get out by herself but failed because of her heavy gown. Seeing her struggling he offered his hand for help and without thinking she accepted because she know ahe can't do it with her own. Then she also got out if the car.

Gaurds bowed and opened the main doir of the house so that they can get in. As soon as they get inside they were welcomed by jungkook who was standing and showing his bunny teeths.

" Welcome to the house Mrs. Kim " He said to jennie while bowing " And Mr. Kim also " He added looking at Taehyung to which he just rolled his eyes.
" I will always be your side noona, if you need anything you just tell me, if you get bored then I will always be their to company you and if Taehyung ever hurt you then I will help you in your plan of killing him" He said to jennie to which she just chuckled a little at the last sentence of his  about what he said and Taehyung just glared at him

" Thanks and sure I will " She replied in a soft voice and in a sweet smile which can melt any one " You are so pretty " Jungkook again said after seeing her beautiful smile to she she just looked at him at his sudden compliment
" Let's go inside " Taehyung said ignoring them and walking away with jennie holding her hands to which jungkook said " Yes Yes go your husband can't wait for his fir-" " Shut up " Before he can complete his sentence Taehyung cutted him and walked away far from him as soon as he can while jennie was thinking what happened to him, jungkook chuckled at the behavior of his brother

He reached at the stairs and showed her to their room while she was just following him all the time holding his hands.
He opened the door and said " This is our room" without looking at her and then they both get in the room. After getting in jennie starter to examine the room ' it is nice ' she thought. He kicked his leg at the back to close the room as soon as the door closed

" AAAAhhhhhh......... " Jennie jumped and hugged him tightly by this sudden sound on the other hand he was thinking what just happened? Because there was nothing like that in his room before. His thought get intruppted when she looked up to face him still hugging him, and she saw that a it was the sound of a balloon which was hanging on the ceiling. They both were showering under the small - small particles of gliter. And it is really very romantic.
Jennie looked at Taehyung who was already staring at her and it made a little eye contact session.

" I am sorry... It was just... " She said when realization hit her while breaking the hug which make him also to come back into reality
" JUNGKOOK " He yelled his him in irritation when he got to know who could be behind this nonsense

Then he walked away without saying anything to the bathroom.
" Some time ago he was holding my walking and now just walked away like I am invisible, even I said sorry " She said to herself thinking of his changing behavior of every minute
" Mr. Ice cube " She added

Jennie stood up in front of the window and looked at the moon, shining alone in the sky, cold wind kissing her bare skin, and it it her favorite thing she feels every night if possible
He came out of the washroom in causual cloth an looked at his wife and stand folding his hand and said
" Your everything is set up here, so you can go and change now" She looked at him and went towards washroom after nodding slightly


" Thank you for dropping me here " Rose said removing her seat belt " It's okay, if you ever need any help you can tell me" Jimin replied
" I can't because I don't have your phone number " She said to which he chuckled
And then she realize what she said she just indirectly asked him for his number ' shit rise what he will think of you ' she thought while cursing herself in her mind, he took out his phone and gave it to her and said .
" Type your number " to which she looked at him but ended up giving him her number after that she retured his phone to him.
After taking the phone he was going to open the door and get out of the car to open the door for her but she him and said " You don't have to " to which he shook his head and proceeded to do that but then held his hand, so he looked at her and nodding while giving up. Then she got out of the car and said " Okay bye " while waving at him " Bye Good Night " He replied and done the same
And then she walked into her house and he also started the car and headed towards house.

' I think jungkook had said right at that time. Did I really fell in love with her I  first sight? ' he thought and questioned himself and smiled at his own thought

' He is such a nice and caring person '
Rose thought and smiled thinking about him while walking in the living room
" What is his name? " Someone asked so she turned her head to that side saw that it was her mom who just asked that question teasingly and now here standing while having a naughty
smile on her face

" Who? " She asked pretending that she don't know who is she talking about
" Don't act fool, I saw you and him talking and smiling at each other with my own eyes " Her mom said
" It's nothing like that mom he just dropped me here because something happened in my car and you were already disappeared from there not even bothering to inform me and my phone was also dead ..well his name is Park Jimin " She said explaining her mom the reason of her coming home with him

" But he is handsome " She again said teasingly " And about not telling you, I was coming to tell you but you were busy talking to him, and you both were looking like a lovely couple so I can't able to gather that much courage to interrupt your sweet talk" She added

" Stop it now, mom" She said and walked away to the stairs while thinking about him and smiling
And her mom also smiled thinking that now her daughter is showing interest in boys and also thinking about jimin that although he is nice so maybe he is right one for her daughter.


Lisa 's pov

I don't know what should I do God, it is killing me...

" Yes , cold water "I said to myself and towards kitchen to grab some ice cubes. I took it and again ran to my bedroom. I took a sip of the cold water

" Thank god it is working " I thanked to god after I felt a relief from the burning sensation in my throat which was caused by that idiot.

Like, how he can do something like that? He mixed some allergic powder in a drink and sent it through a waiter by saying him that to tell me that this drink is specially made for me. And from thet time it is burning in my throat like someone has ser fire in my throat. OMG it started again..

" Jungkook I swear I will give hundred times more pain that you gave me today" I said to myself then taken again a sip to cold water which was more likely ice cubes.

" I should take some sleeping pills " I opened the drawer next to my bed and grabbed a kit of sleeping pills. I took out one pill and decided to take it maybe it will help me to ease the pain and can give me good sleep.
After taking the pill I covered myself with blanket while sitting on the bed again.
" You idiot, nonsense, duffer, cow, buffalo, stupid, monkey, donkey, goat, chimpanzee, fox, wolf, monster.... "
I cried out his nicknames and covered myself with the blanket completely after lying down while jumping because of irritation.


Jennie's pov

I came out the clothing room and saw that he is not the room and, where did he went? Why do I care.. I thought to myself

The  I came to the bed and sat comfortably. I can do here whatever I want until he is not here, I opened my phone and saw that Rose is online and decided to chat with her for sometime

Me : Hey!
Rose : Hii, Mrs. Kim
Me: Shut up call me jennie
Rose : Why you're Mrs. Kim now why should I will call you jennie... No from now on I will call you Mrs. Kim
Me : your time also will come
Rose: when will come then we will see
Me : you will regret
Rose : you can try.... Well what are you doin-... Wait, what it's your wedding night right.. Sorry I am disturbing you
Me: Shut up.. And you are not disturbing me I am the one who messaged you first
Rose: Okay, bye I am going...... Enjoy your night
Me: Wait....

What she went offline, what the heck!
Well how can I forget that it's my first night with him..
And then I heard foot steps like some one is coming towards the room. It must be him.

" He is coming I don't think he will do something neither I want to but it will be very awkward  , what should I do" I said to myself and laid on the right side of the bed as fast as I can and pretended to sleep. He came in the room and saw me sleeping and then he also came to the left side of the bed and turned the lights off and laid down leaving some space in between.
And then I also went to my favorite place in my dream land..

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