Chapter - 12

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'Is she was blushing? But why? ' leave it why do he care he thought.
Then he straight went the washroom to fresh, after getting fresh he changed into comfortable clothes.

She already kept jimin's box in his room with a note that she gifted it. She again came in the room again and saw that Taehyung is talking to someone on the phone at the balcony so, she dicided to place his box also on his closet, after that she will inform him otherwise how will she give? What if he will not accept?

After doing her job she saw that he is still on his phone call, so she sat on the bed and she also stated scrolling through her phone until he is on the phone call.

After hanging the phone call he came to her and stand in front of her and folded his hands, he looked at her
" Their is a party next day after tomorrow, so you are coming with me" He said coldly, she looked at him and him and nodded simply and said
" Okay, I will "
" And may I know why you left me here in the morning when I was waiting for you here " He asked remembering the morning incident and raising an eye brow " I don't know that you were waiting for me " She replied innocently

" Leave it, let's go downstair for dinner " He said again and before she could reply he was out of the room leaving her there " Mr. Icecube " She muttered and stood up from the bed and went down stairs.


While going she found that he is standing near the stairs, she went to him and said " Why are you standing here? " And started looking around to see something interesting that he is doing here. He turned around to her and without saying anything, he hold her hands and went to the dining room dragging her there.

' what is his problem? Why he always ignore me? Behind the doors don't even talk to me and now here holding my hands ' she thought

They reached the dining table and saw everyone already there. Mom also looked at them smiled knowing that they are coming with each other. They sat across each other and they everyone started doing the dinner silently until jimin broke the silence by saying

" Thanks, jennie for the watch it is really nice " while looking at her to which she looked ta him and replied
" I am glad that you like it " And smiled at him

Taehyung who was listening to all have no idea what they are talking about .

" And Mom actually tomorrow I am going to my company, I have work my manger called me " Again said jennie to mom directly and indirectly to Taehyung

" Okay " Mom replied
" Son, take jennie to her company tomorrow " Mom ordered him " There is no need, I can go by myself " Jennie protested knowing that he will get mad at it " Yes, mom she in not a child she can go by herself " He also protested while making a disgusting face

" I know she can go by herself but as a husband you should take your wife wherever she go " Mom said while folding her hands " But mom I also have go company " He said again

While jimin, jungkook and jennie they were just looking at them and thinking who is going to win, although they know the answer

" Then it more easier for you, while going leave your wife to her company" Mom said smiling mischievously

Taehyung get to know that he lost and also he can't protest or go against his mother, what she said he have to do not matter what. He looked at his mom in disbelief and then at jennie and rolled his eyes

" Mom get us married also, we also want to take our wives at their company " Jimin and jungkook both said at the same time like a child to tease their brother. Mom laughed at their silly behavior, they both received a death glare from Taehyung. Jennie also chuckled thinking that they both are mood changer.

After doing dinner everyone went to their respective rooms.


Both Taehyung and jennie also come to their room, as soon as they stepped in the room, jennie directly jumped on the bed because while talking to mom she ate too much and now their is no space in her stomach of a sip of water also.

He saw her , how she jumped on the bed and now is taking heavy breathes, like something happened to her, so he decided to ask

" What happened ? " He asked looking over her " Huh? " She looked at him who is standing near the bed with a emotional less expression " Nothing, I think I ate too much " She replied

To which he said " Is dinner what that tasty" Yes, I think " She said and smiled a little while thinking that atleast he is now talking to her otherwise he always ignore her whenever she try to start a conversation

" Be ready before eight, I don't like waiting " He said to which she nodded
" And listen to me carefully now " He said in a commanding tone to which she sat straight on her spot to listen carefully what he is going to say

" I don't care where you go and when you go but you always have to keep it in your mind that you are Mrs. Kim now and almost everyone know that you are my wife, so dont do anything that harm my image or my reputation" He said

" What made you think that I will do something stupid " She said in whisper not wanting to say but the words automatically slipped from her mouth thinking that he is doubting on her
He heard it very cleary as he is not so far from her, so he said
" I am not saying that you will do something, I am just reminding you that who you are now "

" You don't need to, I know who I am " She said in one breath to which he was going to say something but before he could she mumbled " Sorry " And without waiting for his reply she laid on the bed covering herself and pretended to sleep knowing if she will talk too much he will get mad

He looked at her childish behavior and now, instead of getting mad he is now trying hard to not smile and act cold. He cleared hid throat and stood up to switch off the lights . After doing it, he also went to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26 ⏰

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