Chapter - 05

141 8 3

Author's pov

" You fall in love with her in first sight " Jungkook asked to jimin who was lost in Rose and this time a little bit louder so that Taehyung can also hear

"Yes " Jimin said who was not in his sense "What noo, why would I" he again said realizing what he just said while being embarrassed to which Taehyung and Jungkook both chuckled at the same time 

" So, why we're you staring at her like that" Jungkook again asked " I was not staring at her, I was just thinking something " Jimin was saying " While looking at her " Jungkook completed his sentence with a smirk on his face.

They both were enjoying teasing jimin until Mom said " When you all are planning to show me my daughter in law"

Jennie's dad laughed a bit then said " Let me call her" and after that he signalled rose to go and call her.
Rose stood up from her chair and went to call them

" Let's go downstairs, your mother in law is dying to see you" Rose said entering in the room approaching the girls attention who were talking with each other
"Okay let's go" Lisa said getting up from her spot and also helping jennie to stood up

Jennie stood up with the help of Lisa and become very nervous thinking what will be their reaction after seeing her what if they don't like her, what if his mother don't like her what if they cancel the wedding, what if-

Her thought got interrupted when rose said " Don't be nervous, don't think too much" Knowing that she is very nervous right now because she have a habit of bitting her lips when she get nervous.
Lisa also nodded to what rose said .

" Be cool and ready for giving everyone heart attack " Rose said to her to which they both chuckled while nodding

Here Taehyung was sitting silently not paying any attention towards what everyone is talking there, only thinking that after incident he not even looked any girl now he sitting here to see his wife.


"WoW, my baby " seyeon said admiring jennie who was coming down from the stairs stunning as always followed by rose , Lisa was not with her because she went to grab rose phone

Everyone looked at the stairs
" Gorgeous " Jungkook muttered looking at his sister in law
" Pretty, like how I said " Jimin also done the same as jungkook

Taehyung said nothing but just stared at her wife from top to bottom admiring the beauty of his wife like how jimin explained to him earlier

Jennie came in front and bowed and said
" Hello, I am kim Jennie " introducing herself
" You are so bueatiful Honey, even more than your mother " Mom said while standing , walking towards jennie and holding her chin with her hands everyone also stood up from their chairs

" It's my pleasure to have you as my daughter in law " Mom again said smiling to her to which made Jennie smile also
" Thank you Mrs. Kim " she replied

" He is my younger son, Jungkook " Mom said pointing at Jungkook to which he said " Hii, I will always be your side " to Jennie waving his hands to her and showing his bunny smile, Jennie also smiled at him

" He is jimin, I don't gave birth to him but he is my real son" Mom said pointing at jimin to which jimin said " Need any help just remember me " while smiling to Jennie , Jennie also nodded while having a sweet smile on her face while bowing a little

" And here my older son, Taehyung and your husband " Mom said pointing at Taehyung who was not looking at her but looked when Mom mentioned him

And this is the first time they made their first eye contact , Jennie also looked at his handsome husband and they both were staring at each other,

On the other hand Lisa came after taking phone and bowed to jungkook's Mom and said " Hello, I am Lisa"

Jungkook and jimin who was looking at Taehyung with a smirk on his face at the thought of how Taehyung was looking at his wife . Jungkook turned his head towards mom when he heard a familiar voice

Taehyung and Jennie who were staring at each other not from so much time broke their eye contact when they heard shout of some one

" YOU, the fighter jet " Jungkook shouted when he saw Lisa and all attention was now on him with shocked faces
When Lisa saw jungkook she also yelled " You, you followed me here "

" What " Jungkook said confused where everyone was just looking at them confused

" No No, you must be their driver " Lisa said correcting herself to which Jimin laughed but controlled when jungkook glared at him, while Taehyung controlled his laugh some how and maintained his cold aura

Jungkook got angry after what listening what Lisa said but calmed himself and said " And you must be maid here, specialised for cleaning tiolets"

And this time Jennie, rose and jisoo along with seyeon all laughed at the same time but stopped when Lisa turned her head towards them

" How dare you to call me maid " Lisa said pointing her fingers to him glaring with deadly eyes

" And how you dare to call me a driver, I am - " Jungkook was saying but paused himself then pused jimin at his back who was on his way and came in front of Taehyung , pointed his finger at him and again started " I am Jungkook  , the brother of Kim Taehyung "

On the other side when Jungkook pused jimin back, he clashed with rose who was standing behind Jennie then they both lost their balance which cause them to fall down,behind the sofa , jimin on the top of rose.
Nobody noticed them because they were watching an interesting drama going on in front of them

This is the first time when rose noticed that how handsome jimin was and he is more handsome from closer. While jimin already have got a little crush on rose when he saw her first. Both were lost I each other forgetting what was going there


" I don't wan- " Lisa started after jungkook said that he is Taehyung's brother. But then jisoo put her hand on lisa's mouth and said " I am so sorry, Mr. Jungkook she is such a fool and have a big mouth " to jungkook but glaring at Lisa with deadly eyes

" It's okay you don't have to be sorry you are like my sister " Jungkook said to jisoo and then looked at Lisa with a look of ' I will see you later "  to which Lisa just rolled her eyes

" If you both have done then proceed the talk, I don't have time " this time Taehyung said not looking at anyone showing his coldness to which Jennie muttered ' Such a Ice cube ' in a low voice

" Yes, why not " Mom said to everyone
" Let's sit Honey " to Jennie  to which she nodded and turned herself to walk and sit but when she moved a little and walked behind the sofa the she suddenly screamed.

" AAAhhhh........ What you both are doing"

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