Chapter - 11

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Rose was sitting in a cafe, looking outside while sipping cofee thinking what to do because she is getting bored because she don't have any work right now.

" Should I call jennie here " She said to herself and took out her phone to call her but stopped and said " No yesterday she got married, I should not disturb her " Again started thinking what to do but an idea popped in her mind " Should I call jimin here " She said thinking
" Yes it will be good "
Then she massaged him

Are you free, if you are then lets have drink at Little Heart cafe.
I am already here

Then waited for his response


Jimin was sitting in his cabin and then his assistance Zoyi came to him and said " Mr. Park here are the reports you have asked for " He just hummed in response and took the reports in his hands and started checking it. She walked closer to him and stood near his chair and started telling him about the report seductively.

He already know her behavior and was about to say something but got a notification and took his phone and saw a massage from Rose which was enough to bring a smile on his face.

He texted her back that he will be there in twenty minutes and stood up to which Zoyi said.
" Where are you going sir " To which he said " Do it again " And left from there already
While she just thought who is this Roses because jimin have saved her number as Roses in his phone. But she know that she must be a girl then she left his cabin angrily.


Taehyung was in his cabin with his secretary Shen.

" Sir, this is the time of meeting " Shen said
" Okay let's go" Taehyung said and stood up and then both headed towards the meeting room.

" Hello, Mr Lin " Taehyung said to Mr. Lin who just arrived in the meeting room " Hello, Mr. Kim " He replied
After shaking their hands they both sat on their chairs

" Mr. Kim he is biggest CEO of China, and had many branches in their country " Shen explained everything to him

" So every thing is already discussed by my manager and your secretary so, I am here only to tell you that you keep working on this project after 4 months I will decide to collaborate with you or not, because I am going back to chine " Mr. Lin said while showing his attitude to him and trying to become dominant over him, which Taehyung don't like even a bit

He already know that Mr. Lin is having a cheap attitude with him every where.
' Ugly old fish ' Taehyung thought

" Okay, I will do my best " He replied to him, then they discuss something about their business an all.
After some time Mr. Lin and his manager stood up to leave, Mr. Lin and Mr. Kim both shaked their hands looking at each other with competitive eyes, Finally Mr. Lin left.

Taehyung sighed in annoyance
" I really don't like this man especially his attitude " Said Taehyung

Then they both also started doing their work


Rose is here waiting for jimin, after receiving his text, she become very exited at the thought of meeting him again. She also don't know why
She decided to wait for him while reading a book who she always carry with her

Jimin arrived at the cafe nd started looking for her and spoted a familiar figure sitting at the window side, holding a book in her hands

He went to her and sat in front of her
But like she is that much into this book that is even haven't notice his presence

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