4|| June 4, 2000 - June 19, 2000

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Hello hello ^-^! 

Welcome to the new chapter ^-^! 

How are you all? 

I hope you all are doing good ^-^!


This chapter contains child abuse! If you are uncomfortable or are triggered easily, please don't read the chapter! I won't tolerate any hate comments or insults! Keep them for yourself! 

Chapter song: Escape from the Puppet Chest by Satin Puppets. You can listen if you want! 

The song gives creepy vibes, but it is fitting to Dazai's inner turmoil. But if you don't like this kind of music, you don't have to listen! 

If you decide to read the chapter, enjoy ^-^! 

⊱ ───── {.⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.} ──── ⊰

Cotton knees, silk ribbon tied, I fall back inside.

Confined in this wooden chest, as the mites infest.[Escape from the Puppet Chest by Satin Puppets]⊱ ───── {.⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.} ──── ⊰

June 4, 1999 (A year ago before Dazai met with Chuuya)

Tamaki's hands were like steel as they grabbed Dazai's shoulders and shook him violently.

"You worthless piece of trash!" Tamaki's voice was filled with venom as he screamed at Dazai, his hands tightening on Dazai's shoulders causing him to cry out in pain. "You are a disgrace to this family. Your mother would be ashamed of you."

Dazai clenched his jaw and tried to hold back the tears. He didn't dare respond, knowing it would only make things worse. He had learned a long time ago that his father's rage was unpredictable and uncontrollable. The only thing he could do was take the beatings and try to survive.

But Tamaki's fists continued to rain down on him, Dazai couldn't help but think of his mother, she had been his only comfort in this hellish existence, but she had passed away two years ago and left him alone with his abusive father. He missed her every day and wished she was here to protect him.

Finally, the beating stopped and Dazai was left cowering on the floor, bruises and blood covering his body. But even in this state, he didn't cry. He was too used to the pain by now.

Tamaki, satisfied with his work, left the room and Dazai was left alone to tend to his injuries. As he slowly got up, he knew he couldn't take it anymore. He couldn't live like this, in constant fear and pain. He had to escape.

The only place Dazai think of was the beach, a place he used to visit with his mother when he was younger. It was a place of comfort and peace for him, and he hoped it would still bring him some solace.

So, without looking back, Dazai grabbed some clothes and Money and left the house. He couldn't take anything else with him, for fear of being caught by his father. And he didn't want anyone to know where he was going, in case his father came looking for him. 

⊱ ───── {.⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.} ──── ⊰

Weary wessel, corpse a grim, bugs upon my skin.

All the vines have made a bed. Blossoms wither dead.[Escape from the Puppet Chest by Satin Puppets]⊱ ───── {.⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.} ──── ⊰

As he reached the beach, Dazai collapsed onto the sand, the pain and exhaustion finally catching up to him. But as he looked out at the vast expanse of ocean in front of him, he felt a small glimmer of hope. Maybe he could start a new life here, away from his father's abuse.

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