8|| August 25, 2003 - December 12, 2003

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Hello hello ^-^! 

Welcome to the new chapter! 

How are you all? I hope you all are doing good ^-^! 

Sorry for my 41 days of lack of absence! I know I had said that I will update every day this year, but it was impossible due to my busy schedule! And I had run out the things in my draft... 

So I decided to write some drafts and publish them when I had a decent amount of chapters in my drafts! 

I ended up finishing this fiction! Chapter 15 will be final! As it took 41 days, you can guess how hard it was to write this story for me lol! 

For example this chapter took 7 word pages! 

Anyway, I talked too much again! 

(I know I made some mistakes... But can we please ignore these?) 


This chapter contains slight sexting, abuse and injuring. If you are uncomfortable with it, please don't read the story. I won't tolerate any hate comments or insults! I will block you without warning! 

You can criticise, but respect is the key! 

Chapter song (s): Make You Feel My Love by Adele, Goodbye My Lover by James Blunt, Distance by Christina Perri, Let Her Go by Passenger, I Miss You by Blink-182, Need You Now by Lady Antebellum and Behind Blue Eyes by The Who. (I will put the musics, you can listen if you want!) 

⊱ ───── {.⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.} ──── ⊰

August 26, 2003

Dazai woke up in Chuuya's arms in the first day after their first time, their naked bodies tangled under the sheets.

Dazai blinked, feeling the warmth of the morning sun filtering through the curtains. He shifted slightly, his movement causing Chuuya to stir beside him.

Chuuya yawned and stretched, his eyes fluttering open as he glanced down at Dazai. "Morning." He murmured, his voice husky with sleep.

"Morning." Dazai replied softly, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. He felt a rush of warmth and contentment wash over him as he looked up at Chuuya.

They lay there in silence for a moment, simply enjoying each other's presence. Then Chuuya turned to Dazai, his gaze searching. "Are you okay?" He asked, concern lacing his words.

Dazai nodded, reaching out to brush a stray lock of hair away from Chuuya's face. "Yeah, I'm more than okay." He said, his voice filled with sincerity. "Last night was... Amazing."

A faint blush spread across Chuuya's cheeks, and he looked away, a shy smile playing on his lips. "Yeah, it was." He admitted quietly.

They lay there for a while longer, basking in the afterglow of their shared intimacy. Then, Dazai shifted, propping himself up on one elbow to look down at Chuuya.

"I think we should talk." He said softly, his gaze searching Chuuya's face.

Chuuya's expression turned serious, and he nodded. "Yeah, we probably should." He agreed, his voice quiet.

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