14|| November 22, 2020 - June 13, 2025

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Hello hello ^-^! 

Welcome to the second chapter of today ^-^! 

This chapter took 12 word pages and 4719 words! 


This chapter may contain some triggering content for some people, especially for the ones who lost a loved one due to a terminal illness a short time ago. Like me... So if you are still sensitive, please don't read the chapter. I won't tolerate any hate comments or insults! 

If you decide to read anyway, enjoy ^-^! 

Note: If you want, you can listen the songs I put in chapter if you want! 

⊱ ───── {.⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.} ──── ⊰

December 10, 2020

Chuuya was still grappling with the reality that the love of his life, Dazai, was facing a terminal illness. It had been almost a month since he had learned about his husband's idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, a condition that was slowly stealing his breath and vitality. Each day seemed to blur into the next, filled with a mixture of hope and despair.

"It should have been me..." Chuuya muttered to himself as he stood by the window, watching the soft rays of the setting sun paint the sky in hues of orange and pink. He couldn't shake off the guilt that gnawed at his heart. It was he who had damaged his lungs with years of smoking, he who had abused his liver with excessive drinking. Yet fate had chosen Dazai for this cruel battle.

Dazai, sitting on the couch with a book in hand, glanced up at Chuuya's somber expression. He knew his husband was struggling to come to terms with the situation. "Chuuya," he called softly, setting the book aside. "Come sit with me."

Reluctantly, Chuuya joined Dazai on the couch, their shoulders touching lightly. "I can't stand seeing you like this," he admitted, his voice laced with pain. "We have to do something. There are treatments, options we haven't explored."

Dazai sighed, his gaze fixed on Chuuya's face. "I appreciate your concern, love. But you know how I feel about spending my days hooked up to machines, confined to a hospital bed. I would rather live whatever time I have left on my own terms."

Chuuya's heart clenched at Dazai's words. He understood his husband's desire for autonomy, but the thought of losing him was unbearable. "But what about the experimental treatments? The specialists said there might be a chance..."

Dazai shook his head, a sad smile tugging at his lips. "I have made my peace with this, Chuuya. I don't want to chase false hope and spend our savings on treatments that might not work."

Tears welled up in Chuuya's eyes, his hands gripping Dazai's tightly. "I can't just sit back and watch you fade away," he whispered, his voice breaking. "I love you too much for that."

Dazai's expression softened, and he cupped Chuuya's cheek, wiping away a tear with his thumb. "I know, my dear Chuuya. And I love you more than words can express. But sometimes, we have to accept things we cannot change." 

⊱ ───── {.⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.} ──── ⊰

January 23, 2021

Chuuya zipped up Aoki's coat, making sure she was snug and warm against the biting cold of the winter morning. "Are you excited for our vacation, Aoki?" He asked with a smile.

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