13|| December 31, 2016 - November 22, 2020

4 0 0

Hello hello ^-^! 

How are you all? 

I hope you all are doing good ^-^! 

I talked really early when I said that I'm recovering lol! I spent almost whole day sleeping yesterday, because I had an extreme headache! 

This chapter took 9 pages and 3388 words! 


This chapter contains death, if you are uncomfortable with it, please don't read the chapter! I won't tolerate any hate comments or insults! 

If you decide to read anyway, enjoy ^-^! 

Note: You can listen the songs I put in the chapters if you want. 

⊱ ───── {.⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.} ──── ⊰

April 10, 2017

The evening was crisp and filled with anticipation as Chuuya and Dazai made their way to a cozy café. Dazai's first novel had just been published, marking a significant milestone in their lives. The café was adorned with fairy lights and colorful decorations, creating a warm and inviting ambiance as they settled into a corner booth.

Dazai's eyes sparkled with excitement as he spoke. "I still can't believe it's real. My novel, out there for everyone to read."

Chuuya grinned, his heart swelling with pride for his husband. "You worked so hard for this moment. I'm incredibly proud of you."

The waiter approached with a bottle of champagne, offering congratulations as he poured them each a glass. Dazai raised his glass with a smile. "To dreams becoming reality."

They clinked their glasses and sipped the bubbly drink, savoring the moment and each other's company. As they chatted about the novel, Dazai's passion for storytelling shone through.

"I couldn't have done it without your support," Dazai admitted, his gaze full of gratitude.

Chuuya reached across the table, intertwining their fingers. "We have always been each other's biggest cheerleaders."

The café buzzed with energy, the atmosphere charged with celebration. They indulged in a delicious dinner, sharing memories and laughter as they toasted to Dazai's success.

"You have always had a way with words," Chuuya remarked, admiration evident in his voice.

Dazai blushed modestly. "I just hope people enjoy the story as much as I enjoyed writing it."

"I have no doubt they will," Chuuya assured him with a reassuring smile.

As the evening progressed, they reflected on their journey together. From humble beginnings to this moment of triumph, they had weathered storms and shared countless joys. Their bond had only grown stronger with time.

"Do you remember when we used to talk about our dreams late into the night?" Chuuya asked, a fond smile playing on his lips.

Dazai nodded, a nostalgic glint in his eyes. "Those were some of the best moments of my life."

"We have come a long way since then," Chuuya remarked, a sense of awe in his tone.

Dazai reached for Chuuya's hand, squeezing it gently. "And I wouldn't want to share this journey with anyone else but you."

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