Prologue (1.0k Words)

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As the morning sun shone through your window, you slowly opened your eyes and stretched your arms and legs. You got out of bed and walked towards your closet to pick out your outfit for the day. You decided on a pair of skinny jeans and a plain white tee, knowing that it would be comfortable to wear until you had to change into your work uniform.

After getting dressed, you headed towards the kitchen to make breakfast for Frisk, your younger sibling. As you walk into the kitchen, you turn on the faucet and apply some soap to your hands, washing them thoroughly while waiting for the water to get warm.

Once the water was warm enough, you placed your hands under the streaming water and enjoyed the warmth as it flowed over your fingers. You then dried your hands and proceeded to make breakfast for Frisk. You took out some eggs, bacon, and bread from the fridge and started to cook.

As the food sizzled on the stove, you couldn't help but feel grateful for the little things in life, like the warmth of the water on your hands and the delicious smell of breakfast cooking in the kitchen.

~Small TimeSkip~

You tiptoe down the hall to Frisk's room, leaving the breakfast on the table to cool. As you reach for the doorknob, you try to turn it as quietly as you can, but it still makes a faint squeak. You freeze for a moment, listening for any sign of Frisk stirring in their sleep, but there is only silence. You push the door open slowly and peek inside, seeing Frisk lying still on the bed, their chest rising and falling in a slow, steady rhythm. Their eyes are closed, and their mouth is slightly open, with a thin stream of drool trickling down their chin. You can't help but smile at the sight of them, looking so peaceful and content. You move over to the bed and sit beside Frisk, leaning close to their face. You can feel the warmth of their breath on your skin as you place a soothing hand on their head and start stroking their hair.

"Hey, Frisk~," you say in a hushed voice, trying not to startle them. "It's time to wake up. I've made breakfast for you before school." Frisk groans and rolls over to face you, rubbing their eyes as they try to shake off their sleepy state. You chuckle softly at their adorable and sleepy expression, feeling happy to be able to spend this moment with them. As you stand up from the bed, Frisk looks up at you with a gentle smile. You can't help but feel a sense of warmth in your heart from their affectionate gaze. "I'm going to leave you here to get dressed," you inform them, taking a step towards the door. You then turn around and address them once again. "Don't take too long getting ready, or your food will go cold." Frisk nods vigorously, eager to get up and start their day. You smile at their enthusiasm and take your leave, walking away from the bed and heading back to the kitchen. The sound of their footsteps as they get out of bed is music to your ears.

As the clock ticks away, a few moments later, you hear footsteps coming from Frisk's room, and before you know it, Frisk comes running out of their room and heads straight to the table. You notice that Frisk is wearing their classic striped sweater and a pair of brown cargo shorts that have enough pockets to hold up to eight items. You can't help but chuckle to yourself because you know Frisk loves to find things to bring home, and their pockets are usually full almost every day. Frisk sits down at the table and eagerly grabs a fork, starting to eat their eggs as if they haven't eaten in a day, which strikes you as odd because you know that Frisk usually eats well. You can't help but smile at Frisk's enthusiasm for breakfast.

Meanwhile, you pick up your fork and stare at the food on your plate, noticing that your appetite hasn't been as strong as it used to be. You know that stress has been hitting you hard lately, making it difficult to enjoy your meals. You take a deep breath and try to focus on the food in front of you, hoping that you can find some enjoyment in it.

As you finish your meal, you help Frisk gather their belongings for school, ensuring that everything is in order. You see them off and make your way back to your room, eager to change into your uniform. You take your time putting on your uniform, smoothing out the creases, and making sure everything is just right. You pull your hair up into a messy bun, leaving a few strands to frame your face, and apply light makeup to enhance your natural features.

As you look at yourself in the mirror, you feel satisfied with your appearance, but something seems amiss. You realize that you forgot to put on your star necklace, a treasured gift from your parents. You rush over to your room to retrieve it, and as you clasp it around your neck, you feel a sense of comfort and familiarity wash over you. Now fully dressed and accessorized, you grab your purse and slip on your shoes before heading out the door. You feel a sense of purpose and determination as you make your way to your next destination, ready to take on whatever challenges may come your way.

Here's the prologue! It may not be very long, but the following chapters will be longer. This is just a starting chapter to get us into the story! If any of you are confused, Frisk is your younger sibling who prefers to be referred to by they/them pronouns. You are an adult in this story. I hope you all enjoy it!

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