Another Perspective .5. (1.7k words)

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(Sans's POV)

As you gradually open your eyes, you become aware of the familiar surroundings of your bedroom. The sun is peeking through the window, casting soft rays of light on your face. With a heavy heart, you realize that another five-day run has come to an end, and you are about to start a new one.

The thought of living every day in a never-ending cycle makes you feel uneasy. You can't help but wonder if there's more to life than this. However, you quickly push these thoughts aside as you hear footsteps approaching your door.

You know that it's your brother Papyrus, who comes to wake you up every Monday for your daily patrol. You've done this routine over sixty times now, but it never gets any easier. As you get ready, you feel a sense of dread creeping up on you, knowing that you'll be facing the same old challenges and fighting the same old battles.

Despite your fears, you put on a brave face and get ready to face the day. You can't let your fear show, as you don't want to disappoint your brother or other community members. You take a deep breath and brace yourself for what lies ahead.

As you slowly rose from your cozy bed, you slid your feet into your soft pink slippers and pulled your blue zip-up hoodie over your head. You took a deep breath and made your way towards the door, only to have it burst open before you could reach the handle. In walked Papyrus, his imposing figure filling the doorway as he surveyed the room. His eyes widened in surprise as he spotted you, freshly awake and still rubbing the sleep from your eyes.

"mornin paps," You say putting your hands in your pockets and widening your smile as you look up at your younger brother. 

Papyrus, the tall and energetic skeleton, straightens up his posture before addressing his brother. "Well, good morning, brother! I see you decided not to be a lazy bone and get up for sentry duty, which means you can now come downstairs and indulge in Papyrus's world-famous spaghetti." He exclaims, with a twinkle in his eye, before dashing down the stairs to prepare our breakfast. As I emerge from my room, I can't help but smile at his enthusiasm, and I lock the door behind me before following him downstairs.

Upon reaching the kitchen, I find Papyrus setting the plates down on the table, adorned with our signature blue and white striped tablecloth. The aroma of the freshly cooked spaghetti fills the air, making my stomach grumble with anticipation. Papyrus proudly places the pot of pasta next to the plates, and I can't help but admire the vibrant red color of the tomato sauce, garnished with fragrant basil and grated parmesan cheese.

As we sit down to savor the delicious meal, Papyrus regales me with stories of his latest adventures in the Underground, while I listen intently, enjoying the warm and comforting atmosphere of his company.

~Time Skip~ 

The day had been Monday again, just like all the other Mondays before it. The routine was predictable, with nothing out of the ordinary happening except for the usual conversation you had with the old woman standing behind that door, which had become a weekly tradition. She had asked you to make a promise, a request that you found yourself unwillingly accepting, despite your dislike for making promises. But you had done this every week, and today was no exception.

Now, you were in bed, trying to sleep, but the thought of the kid's return the next day kept you awake. You couldn't shake off the feeling of dread that had settled deep in your chest. You lay there, staring up at the ceiling, the cool breeze from the window barely offering any relief. You could hear the sounds of the night outside and the occasional sound of someone passing by.

You tried to push the worry out of your mind, but it was no use. The thought of the kid's return was a haunting presence, keeping you from the peaceful slumber you craved. You could feel the tension in your bones, your eyes growing heavy with fatigue, yet your mind still racing.

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