-Relax- .4. (3.7k Words)

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You jolt awake not knowing where you are for a second before slowly remembering that you were staying with Toriel and Frisk was found and safe with you again. As you ponder about your younger sibling, Frisk, you eagerly scan the room for any sign of them. 

You slowly lift yourself out of bed, your tousled hair falling into your face. You reach up and put your hair into a messy bun, not wanting to deal with your tangled locks at the moment. 

You start walking towards the closet, hoping to find something better to wear when you notice that the clothes you had on were not in the best condition. You open the closet and to your surprise, you only find children's clothes. You realize that this must be a child's bedroom. You let out a deep sigh and decide to look around the room some more, hoping to find something interesting. However, the room is quite plain, with just a bed, a closet, and a small table - it's like a typical child's room. 

You eventually become bored and decide to do something else, but a part of you still wonders where Frisk could be.

As you step out of your bedroom, you gently close the door behind you and make your way towards the dining room. You wonder if Frisk, your younger sibling, is there with Toriel, "Goat Mom"  as Frisk likes to call her. 

As you enter the dining room, you see Frisk sitting at the table and coloring while Toriel sits beside them, talking about the drawing they are creating. You pause for a moment to admire the scene in front of you. It warms your heart to see the two of them bonding like this. 

Suddenly, Toriel notices you and beckons you over to the table. You oblige and take a seat next to Frisk. As you sit down, Frisk looks up at you with the most adorable smile you have ever seen. Your heart melts at the sight of it, and you can't help but feel grateful for having such a cute and loving sibling. You take a moment to appreciate this precious moment with your family and feel a sense of contentment wash over you.

After spending a day in Toriel's cozy house, you were eager to explore the Ruins once again. You asked Toriel if it would be all right for you and Frisk to venture out and she kindly agreed. Before you left, she even gave you both some gold along with directions to the shop in case you needed to purchase anything. It was a comforting gesture that made you feel grateful for her kindness.

As you made your way towards the Ruins, Frisk held onto your hand tightly, letting you know that they were familiar with the area. You breathed a sigh of relief, feeling confident that you were in good hands. You couldn't help but feel impressed with Frisk's intelligence, especially for someone so young.

As you walked deeper into the Ruins, you couldn't help but marvel at the ancient architecture that surrounded you. You both encountered various puzzles and obstacles, but with Frisk's guidance, you were able to overcome them all. 

You arrived at the shop that Toriel had mentioned and soon came to a stop in front of it. As you walked in, you saw that there were various items for sale, some of which you had never seen before.

You and Frisk take a stroll through the store, admiring the various sections as you go. After a while, you come across a section dedicated to clothing, and you decide to take a closer look. As you browse through the racks, you notice that most of the items are emblazoned with the logo of a celebrity known as MTT. You're not quite sure who that is, but they seemed very well known.

You shake off the thought and focus on finding something to wear. Your eyes scan the racks, taking in the array of colors and styles available. You pause when you spot a baby blue long-sleeve turtle neck with stars running along the side. 

It looks cozy and stylish, so you decide to give it a try. You notice a matching tank top hanging next to it, and you grab that as well, thinking it would make a nice layering piece.

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